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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. How do you figure? Heads up win vs Crosby that was #1 until tonight.
  2. Yes I’m talking more about the blowout predictions.
  3. Maybe reading too much of thier own hype on these boards. You never count out Nederland especially this year.
  4. [Hidden Content] did the Crosby peeps say? Blowout? waiting on the explanation 🤣
  5. Special teams getting an F so far for the Dogs
  6. No to the all gold look it’s terrible . Maybe black jerseys with the gold pants.
  7. Compared to all of that championship history at Crosby.... oh wait..🤔
  8. No tears here. Injuries happen but Ned was up 14-0 and driving again before the injury. Your team just got rolled by a team Ned beat by 20. Injuns mighty be sitting home come playoff time.
  9. Oh that super talented team that took double OT to beat the “lesser” Nederland team last year? Lol. Wait your turn🥱
  10. Good job Dogs. Still need to work on the offensive penalties though.
  11. Just the one he is trying to start.
  12. No need to water the field this morning, should be ready to go for tonight!
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