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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. Ned may be more rested. 😀
  2. It’s not Nederland’s fault that other games were cancelled. We will see what United will be. PNG is not exactly setting the world on fire. Transitive games don’t work well when comparing unless both teams have played the same opponent. If PNG come in cocky they might get a nasty surprise Friday night.
  3. Keep thinking that... 😂
  4. When it works correctly. From what I have read on some of the game threads that’s about half the time.🙄 I’ll probably stick to KLVI and listen.
  5. If Neds D can slow down the QB and passing game I like thier chances. Ned has shown that they can put up plenty of points.
  6. That is usually how this game ends, a score in the last minutes of the game.
  7. not bad, clean up some of the mistakes and they will be in pretty good shape. This team is pretty young from what I understand.
  8. Yeah that’s the one I like. As long as they don’t do the gold on gold again.
  9. Nice. Well we know all about watering a field. 🤫
  10. Lol I’m glad they had a good scrimmage and it sounds like some young players are stepping up. This year will be interesting.
  11. What did you think about the new field Aggie?
  12. Goalposts are up. Ned is ready to go!
  13. Not the best angle on the second pic and a little blurry. I am not a photographer. 😀
  14. Looks like the scoreboard is done just need to install the goal posts and they are ready to go!
  15. I will have to go by and see. They still had some work on the street side when I went by last night.
  16. Sounds like it’s time for a culture change. The kids have to buy in to it though, at least most of them.
  17. Yeah I’m trying to get him to make it shareable. It’s a cool video
  18. It looks like it is pretty close. I think they need to finish putting in the fill rubber.
  19. Lol. Either way I am willing to bet they will be back on the schedule eventually.
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