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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. When is realignment this year? It should be coming up very soon correct?
  2. I'm hearing after the Bulldog relays.
  3. Lets keep the BH student discussion to a separate thread please, preferably on the locker room board. It has nothing to do with this game thread.
  4. Yeah some people can’t stand it when a kid from Nederland gets a basketball scholarship. They did the same thing to Weisbrod a couple of years ago:
  5. Yeah because the Texans have had so many in NRG. πŸ™„
  6. Its almost as bad as having Livingston in our district as far as travel goes. Almost
  7. Lol. Yeah I love how the kings of the 2nd round preach to all of us pions. πŸ™„
  8. Travel is going to suck for a couple of those games too. I think they should put TC and SF in a district closer to the schools.
  9. Here is the full list of who is going where: [Hidden Content]
  10. The way I understand it the possession arrow is only used if there is a jump ball or a tie up??
  11. Ok, this thread is getting off the rails. Keep it civil or it will be locked.
  12. No one was picking Ned to win, same with PNG. It think some were surprised that it was a two score game at halftime though.
  13. Lol. Sorry but the so called Mecca is sitting home with the rest of us.
  14. funny how Crosby fans were quiet after Vidor beat them until they were sure they had a playoff spot. (Even though they will be done after this week). πŸ™„
  15. I think Ned has some good weapons this year both RBs and WRs. O-line was the problem earlier in the year I don't know if that's fixed. They can't seem to get on the same page though. Lots of unnecessary penalties and some bad miscues.
  16. Facts are, aside from one season Crosby hasn't done anything more than anyone else in this area to write home about . Unless they are WOS, Silsbee, WB or Newton.
  17. All right, lets keep this civil and stop the name calling.
  18. I have bad news for you Crosby doesn't scare anyone. LOL.
  19. Not sure. Probably one of the server upgrades changed it.
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