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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. Your hear a lot, but I wonder about your sources
  2. New press box and additional stands as well. Possibly a field house if there’s money left over
  3. Nederland isn't the ones griping about having to play on actual football field and getting those ugly uniforms muddy.
  4. Lol. Its not like PNG has always had turf. Get over yourself. Come to think of it you couldn't even get the turf right the first time. Not to mention tiny visitor stands and no parking so they can brag they have the biggest fan base. 🙄
  5. PNG, Lumberton and Sabine Pass all passed bond issues last night. PNG's was $131 mil. So if people are moving to run from bonds they might look at Louisiana or some place like that. 🤣
  6. I’m not a big government person, but some people don’t understand that the things they do profit from, such as good streets or safe schools cost money.
  7. Not to mention going under water every time there is a hurricane or a hard rain. There were some that moved outside the levee to Taylor landing that are back now after learning that hard lesson after Ike.
  8. The taxes per $100 didn't go up as much as was initially thought, about $180 per $100 valuation vs $330. I find it funny that people get on the Facebook pages and gripe about roads , garbage pickup and keeping the ditches cleaned out but don't want to pay for it. Same with the schools. I guess the district and City are just supposed to pull money out of the air. Not to mention how much they are paying now to try and keep old dilapidated schools up .
  9. compared to what went on in the late 80's early 90's with this rivalry baby powder is tame.
  10. You seem to forget that Barrow was the OC for all of those teams that beat png while Larry was here. 😄
  11. Yeah , how long ago? How about the last 20 years?
  12. Lol. Lets see if Ned can start another 7 year streak this year.
  13. BH 6-0 PNG 4-2 Ned 4-2 Crosby 4-2 Vidor 3-3 Baytown Lee 2-4 Games remaining: BH - ( Santa Fe )- Head to head wins: (Ned, Lee, Vidor, Crosby,PNG) - BH clinched the DC and the #1 seed, playing for undefeated DC PNG - (Nederland) - Head to head wins ( Vidor (+8), Lee (+17) ) - Losses (Crosby -6, BH (-5). PNG is in but the seeding is still up in the air. They can be as high as the 2 seed with a win over Ned and a Crosby loss, or 4th if they lose MCM and Crosby wins. NED - (Crosby, PNG) - Head to head wins (Vidor (+4), Lee (+21) )- Losses (BH - 21)(Crosby -7). They are basically in the same boat as PNG, a win and MCM and a Crosby loss would put them in the 2 seed, or the 4 seed if they lose MCM and Crosby wins. Crosby - ( Lee) - Head to head wins (PNG (+6). Ned. +7 )- Losses (Vidor (-10), BH (-21)). Crosby is currently in fourth with a 1 game lead on Vidor . They need to win to get in or for Vidor to lose. Vidor - (Dayton) - Head to head wins (Crosby (+10) Lee (+12) -Losses( PNG -8, BH -14, Ned -4). Vidor is going to need to win out and also need some help from Nederland and Lee to get in. They beat Lee head to head but Crosby won against Ned, so they still need Lee to beat Crosby by at least 7 points. Lee- ( Crosby) - Head to head wins (none) - Losses (PNG (-17) , BH (-21) , Ned (-21), Vidor (-12). They are out of the running but can still spoil Crosby’s playoff plans if they win by more than 7.
  14. I think the formula is they make it up as they go along. 🙄
  15. no. I know better than that. It looks like Ned's defense is playing better than earlier this season. They need to get the offense clicking and cut down on the penalties.
  16. who knows in this district. There is a history of the teams making the playoffs due to points and coin flips.
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