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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. Sounds like the tough pre-season games are helping tonight. Still a few bugs to work out but better. Am I wrong TVC?
  2. Probably 1990, when they didn't win a game. Possibly in 1992 when they went 2-8
  3. They are working on using the east bound lanes of 10 for two-way traffic, not that it will help much. I just saw that 73 is open now between PA and Winnie.
  4. FYI, Hwy 146 south will be the best bet to get around the IH-10 issues if your going to the game.
  5. The difference is, MOJO has some titles to back it up, even though they havenโ€™t been very relevant in the last few years.
  6. It was a 2pt game with 5 something left in the 4th quarter and then Ned muffed a punt return. Ned also missed several scoring opportunities, two FG and should have had a TD but penalties killed that drive. Ned has to cut down on the penalties and the mental errors.
  7. I agree with this. The pieces are there for an explosive offense, there are a few things that need to be worked out, and if involves moving JV players up and giving them a chance so be it. (Not talking about the QB). The defense was tough against WOS but maybe lost some confidence vs United and Silsbee. A lot of work to be done over the off week. And FYI, that was a pretty tough non-district schedule they just played.
  8. The potential is there, if they can get the RBs loose they can eat up yards fast. Same for short passes. But they have to block long enough to do that and not kill themselves with penalties. Some of the QB bad decisions are due to the constant pressure. The D looked good against WOS but may have a confidence problem since the United game. Need to get that back.
  9. I donโ€™t think the QB is the issue, he made some nice passes tonight and some boneheaded ones. He needs better protection.
  10. Dogs have a lot to work on during the bye week. Thatโ€™s all I am going to say.
  11. Slow start by the Dogs, although they tend to pick it up once District starts.
  12. Ned's D is pretty good and stingy, I wasn't at the game last week but I imagine they were worn out from being on the field so much. The offense is going to have to get up to par fast or the D will have to carry them most of the season. That won't work very well against the better teams and in the playoffs. They have two (or three) very good RBs that need to be utilized better. Use the running game to open up the passing game and take some heat off the new OL until they get up to speed. The QB looked pretty good when he was in as a backup last year, I am not sure whats going on with that other than OL issues blocking and giving him enough time to throw. The two times I have seen him this year he was very antsy in the pocket.
  13. I wasn't at this game so I can't comment directly but the game and scrimmage that I saw were some of the same things. Ned needs to get the O line lined out and stop all of the dumb penalties. Probably need to focus on the run game and pass less. I was listening and I am not sure why they went away from the run game with the exception of the 2nd - 3rd and longs caused by the penalties.
  14. They ran for almost 200 yds vs the Chain Gang.
  15. They did pretty well against WOS, you might not like the tune...
  16. They are breaking in a couple of new OL so give them time. They will be fine.
  17. I wish that guy hadn't retired, that was one of the best ad campaigns for beer for years. Ok, now the mods are getting off topic. ๐Ÿ˜…
  18. Sounds good. I can go for Shiner and Dos Equis.
  19. Yeah , funny how he disappeared when they quit winning.
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