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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. Looks like just east of Eastex Ridge road is the boundary on 421 between HJ and Lumberton ISD. [Hidden Content]
  2. I'm fine with what Ned has on the schedule now, maybe play an Houston area team if Silsbee wants to play someone else.
  3. Yeah I can see them getting the turf down pretty quickly and then doing the restrooms, press box, etc. next year. Much like how WOS is doing it. Here is the article: [Hidden Content]
  4. There is a difference in suspending a kid until the investigation is done and kicking him off the team. The kids that Strong kicked off were proven to have done what they had done.
  5. Some coaches do the right thing and suspend or remove the players from the team until a determination is made as to whether they did something or not. I am no Texas fan, but I will give Charlie Strong credit for getting rid of the bad apples from the start , no matter if they were a 5 star recruit starting on Saturdays or not. Then there's Briles, who was win at all costs no matter what the player did off the field.
  6. BTW, good to see you again Mr.BG.
  7. The TAXPAYERS of Nederland voted for this, overwhelmingly. This is why it was put to a vote and approved by the taxpayers, not the school district. Your taxes go to services you use just like everyone else in this town. You aren't the only one putting up money for better schools and facilities for the district that will be used by every child in NISD. If you want to be a town of one, move out to the boonies and elect yourself mayor, city council and school district superintendent.
  8. Very nice! Who did the drone pics?
  9. I guess my biggest concern will be DBs and LBs starting out. Hopefully they get up to speed by the time district starts.
  10. Here's a thought if you don't like the field so much, don't go to the games!
  11. He is as right about that as he was about whether the bond would pass or not, so consider the source. LOL
  12. Nederland FD just got a new pumper truck , I am sure the district can borrow it.
  13. Let’s just get back on topic.
  14. Maybe the coach would have a better game plan other than run RJ until his tongue is on the turf, but I agree with Coach01 he didn't have a ton of weapons. Which is why I don't look for PNG to be as competitive this year. (Cue the PNG folks! )
  15. maybe some of the PNG folks can clear that up since its been a while, but I don't remember them doing anything really with the away stands other than take the stands out of the endzone, which were split half and half home/away. Maybe my memory is going. That is a possibility. ,
  16. And if someone said that about your town in a generalization how would you feel about it? Some people think they can get on here and say whatever they want, that is not the case.
  17. They really didn’t do anything with the visitors side other than keep it smaller on purpose.
  18. 18 ) The bashing of any particular coach, player, referee, etc will not be tolerated. This includes issues involving their personal lives, coaching/playing style or performance, past experiences, etc. that extends to peoples towns as well.
  19. They can extend those shorter stands on the ends up and add quite a few seats. That would be fine by me.
  20. They will be modifying seating to be ADA compliant (wheelchair and limited mobility access). I am not sure if they will be adding additional seating or not, one of the Mosleys might be able to answer that better than I can.
  21. Doesn't matter. Knock off the name calling.
  22. It will depend on how fast the get surveys and design done and such. I would like to see at least the restrooms and the turf done this year but I want them to do it right.
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