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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. No it’s having input from the people who actually work and teach in the buildings.
  2. Maybe you should look at academic ratings.
  3. More attempts to throw garbage at the wall and try to make it stick. The difference this time is social media where the facts are put out to refute rumors the no group start with facts. We didn’t have that last time so they could start stuff around town to try and sink the bond with no counters.
  4. You can contact them here or one of the members on facebook. [Hidden Content]
  5. Same meetings, tours were held during those meetings as well so the CAC could get a grasp of the issues in the schools.
  6. Not very often, its the same crap he's (or you) have been spewing on Facebook. The tours were hosted at the schools and were several hours long. The tours were hosted by NISD administrators.
  7. Wow Klien, just pulling everything directly off your page huh? You have no idea what things cost, especially technology. That would barely buy two computers.
  8. all over facebook and on the NISD website. Try again.
  9. Here you go again parroting Klien, or maybe you are him. There was no "secret" CAC meetings, it was open to the public and everyone who wanted to go went and they could see who else was there.
  10. Lol. How do you think schools run? or roads that you drive on are built? or the sewer and water lines that you use are maintained?? You want your roads smooth , your sewer and water lines working and not built with lead pipes but you want to keep old schools? Make up your mind.
  11. it still doesn't excuse having poor facilities, no matter how you try to spin it.
  12. The alternative is asking more later. Some people don’t seem to get that when the keep voting down bonds.
  13. Looks like taxes may be going down, in addition to raises for teachers. It would reduce the bond to a $24 month increase for a $100k house. [Hidden Content]
  14. Lol. There was a bond at PNG was almost a much and the sky didn’t fall, prices didn’t go up and no one moved out. And the per capita doesn’t include the outlying areas that are in Nederland ISD. And as far as doing something else, it’s been tried there are people who are just no to anything they think is going to raise their taxes.
  15. Actually most of them will be gearing up to vote no on the next one, which is why the schools are in the shape they are now. They need the people with school age kids voting instead of people without that aren't going to do anything but gripe about their taxes.
  16. Got it. Sounds like a tough road for all the teams in that district.
  17. Ok, can they do that and still play non-district? Would they technically not be part of UIL in that case? Just trying to understand how the rules would work in that situation.
  18. Yeah, you are shorting the new coach time to prepare for the next season if you wait too long.
  19. Some people don’t know how to have a civil conversation and advocate for their side without being nasty. That didn’t start with this bond.
  20. I have given you the number, 27.50 a month for a house valued at $100k, you just keep ignoring it. PNG didn't see massive increases in prices around town or businesses closing down because of their bond. So you can keep trying the scare tactics, Klien. The kids have the right to have the proper facilities to learn in , no matter what the test scores are. Shoving classrooms into every available space in poor facilities does not do that.
  21. Hopefully the rain will stay away long enough to get the base down so all that dirt doesn't wash away.
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