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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. The 2012 bond came in under budget by quite a bit.
  2. You do realize that some of Port Neches is inside Nederland ISD right? I am referring to people who do not own property inside the ISD or in a couple of cases in Jefferson County at all.
  3. You didn't mention that in your breakdown, I wasn't aware.
  4. LOL. That field really made a big difference in a 52-21 game vs Lee.
  5. Seems a few of the main "no" people on FB don't own property in Nederland, kinda makes you wonder about their motivation.....
  6. Yep, that pretty much covers it. This can has been kicked down the road for so long that the need keeps increasing along with the price. Kick it down the road again and it will keep going up.
  7. If they have money left over, dressing rooms are one of the things on the list.
  8. They better hurry up, times running out to get a program started.
  9. They will hire administrators without and give them a timeline to obtain one also. I know of a couple of instances of that happening, not for the AD position but others.
  10. Yeah he must have gone to the AOC school of economics.
  11. So no one will eat or buy anything? I’m not claiming that all of the money will come back into the local economy but some will.
  12. I don't know. But they used local companies last bond.
  13. Nederland seats about 11,000 now, not 8,000. Some of the modified seating will probably be ADA compliant but I wouldn't be surprised if they add some seating as well.
  14. Something else that you are failing to mention, the bond will put 156 million dollars into the local economy . That's paying the workers, architects, welders, etc. They will spend that money locally for food, cars, etc so the local businesses that you are so worried about will see an increase in revenues.
  15. Klein is that you? Since you are quoting verbatim from his page. No one in Austin is questioning it and they have been transparent on how they arrived at the numbers and what needs to be done. You need to actually go into the schools and see the situation they are in before coming to conclusions.
  16. MMosely07 posted the list of upgrades, building a new high school that was poorly designed from the start is a lot different than building a brand new stadium with an administrator's name on it. All of the upgrades and replacing the HS are needed. The stadium is a separate proposition so it doesn't necessarily affect the school upgrade part of the bond.
  17. Same thing that you are doing ignoring the fact that the monthly increase is small and will be spread out over multiple years.
  18. And Rio had assistants cut due to the money problems. Those jobs might not open back up again for a while.
  19. With the district's financial troubles, I wouldn't assume that. No guarantee that they will pay the next guy what Rio was making or more.
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