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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. NDNs better not take Santa Fe lightly next week.
  2. Actually it has cleared up quite a bit. Right now Crosby and Santa Fe are fighting for that last spot and Santa Fe has the upper hand, even if they end up with the same record.
  3. Not the sharpest knife for sure. Those guys could have killed him barehanded if they wanted to.
  4. Against the top defense in district as of now. Their defense is pretty stout and they can put up points.
  5. Yeah, I had one of the coaches for Algebra back in the day. He is retired now but still remembers me being in his class. (not sure if that is good or bad. )
  6. Generally that is in the case , at least for most districts. The only coach that doesn't usually teach a class as well is the AD/Head Coach. Most of the others have to teach.
  7. It is athletic related, so in my opinion it is on the right board. As long as this thread stays within the rules it can stay. This information is all public domain as the local newspapers have picked it up.
  8. Do or die for Vidor, but BH needs this game almost as much to stay in the playoff race.
  9. Lol. Nederland and PNG see that offense every year so they know how to defend it. The new teams in district haven’t but Santa Fe figured it out.
  10. I’ve seen a couple of slips, but the field is holding up well
  11. Yeah. Ned looks much better as far as mistakes but still have a few.
  12. Fernandez almost had too much on that pass
  13. Well the Dogs were doing well with the penalties until then.
  14. He means as far as this game goes. Just an FYI for all, of you want to discuss Crosby ISD financials please feel free to start a thread in the Locker Room or Political forums on this site if one doesn’t exist already.
  15. Same goes for you. Knock off the personal stuff
  16. They didn't bring a whole bunch of people for the game against Ned. It was pretty sparse on their side.
  17. Ok, he is already taking a vacation, if you keep up the personal stuff you will join him.
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