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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. That’s probably one of the dumbest comments I have seen on this board. I’ll leave it at that since Who Dat responded.
  2. I think the potential is there for Ned to possibly make a run but there is some cleaning up to do beforehand especially on offense. That and the personal fouls, which I haven’t seen Ned get so much in years. Hopefully coach Barrow gets through to the kids that they have to hold their temper and not cost the team.
  3. Thanks TVC. Good game Eagles. These Dogs are giving me more gray hairs!!! They are going to have to clean up some of these mistakes pretty quick.
  4. I am willing to bet that new schools will be on the bond, but I wouldn't look for stadium upgrades this time. Maybe NISD will find some donors to pony up and at least put turf on the field.
  5. You might need to go back and look, I didn’t start it down that road and I started trying to get it back to Vidor/PNG.
  6. Chorizo listed Charles. I put Bubba Smith on the list.
  7. And you still haven't named your team.
  8. Lol. Don't go away mad, just go away.
  9. Lol. I really need the eye roll emoji!
  10. I'm a realist but I'm not content. I would love to see Ned in the 5th round every year, but again there aren't many teams that do that every year. In fact maybe 2 or 3 in the state. I have been to 4th-5th round games for Ned fairly recently. Unfortunately they came up short, but yes Ned has been deep recently and hopefully will be again. Part of that coaching legacy is here now when we had Barrow take over after Neumann retired, as he was there when Ned was playing Smithson Valley in the semis, when they were playing Georgetown in the Regionals and when they knocked of the #2 Friendswood and #1 Pearland Dawson. And guess what? Those kids playing on later teams were probably there too. Why do think PNG and Ned usually bring as many fans or more than the other team no matter if its a home or away game. Tradition, and the fact that they might see another run by one of those teams. Btw, what team do you support?
  11. Nobody wins a title every year, but you are delusional if you think that isn't the objective every year.
  12. Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it. A coach that has been deep in the playoffs knows what to do to get back. Coaches that haven't are playing it more by ear. That's why there is a history. You don't think those kids didn't go to playoff games when they were younger and wanted to be on the teams when they hit high school? If the team was bad when they were younger you think that encourages them to be a football player ? Why do think that Ned had more players out there than United a couple of weeks ago?
  13. I agree, but I think the coaches and players are doing as much as they can with what they have.
  14. Lumberton , since it is a Lumberton thread, started establishing some of that swagger in 07-08 but then the coach had a couple of bad years and then left. Some of that was talent since they are a small school (same thing with Vidor) the talent is a lot more cyclical than for bigger schools that have more kids to choose from.
  15. Nederland, for example went out early in the playoffs the first couple of years after Neumann got there because they weren't used to being there. Once he established that the team could make it there and advance, you started seeing deeper runs.
  16. The implication that teams around here aren't doing it. Are you a Silsbee fan or from somewhere else?
  17. Nope, teams with a history of winning tend to know what to do to get back to that. Teams that don't tend to fade out or panic once they get to the playoffs. Especially if the coach has been there for a long time which is another big part of it . If you don't have some consistency in coaching it is hard to get a program going in the right direction. the BMT schools are a prime example of that. (Sorry Soulja).
  18. Doubtful. If the coaching is good they have the kids doing what they need to do to prepare for the season. You are also leaving out population shifts as a reason you see deeper runs more often by Houston and Dallas area teams. Both areas are exploding in growth which give you a much deeper talent pool.
  19. Both. And both are cyclical. Ned and PNG both had good athletes in the 80's but both teams didn't have good coaches. Vidor is a prime example, look at the ups and downs of their seasons, the coach is the same since 99 but when they have the athletes they make more noise. And Katy, NS and some those other teams don't make it deep every year, sometimes they get knocked off too.
  20. All teams have the same goal every year. Coaching is a big part of it, and that goes for during the offseason as well. Ned for example was really good in the 50's and 60's and then faded off until Neumann got here and now Barrow. Like I said , Katy disappeared for a long time until the current coach got there. Mojo is gone now after a couple of good coaches in the 70's and 80s. Highland Park went 50 years between championships, probably coaching and population related.
  21. Not to mention it is all cyclical. Mojo was a terror in the 70s and 80s, but have faded away now. WOS went 28 years in between state championship runs. Katy has won championship in the 50's and then wasn't back until the 2000's and 2010's.
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