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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. Lol. They forgot the 4-wheel drive drum set!
  2. No ones moving the ball much, field is very sloppy.
  3. Dbs need to watch the QBs eyes. He is staring down the receivers.
  4. Dogs need to change out thier cleats at halftime
  5. #20 is going to have to hit that hole faster, too much tiptoeing.
  6. Yeah these are going to take some time to get used to
  7. I want to try that place, I hear about it alot.
  8. Lol. that is about the only place I go for Chinese food. If you want Japanese food, Sake is good.
  9. I didn’t say that any of those teams were bad. The point was that if Crosby is supposed to be on that level or above then they would have beat them.
  10. Hopefully we got it fixed, we will see.
  11. nope, i know exactly what you were implying and that wasn't only directed at you.
  12. Elgin, FB Ridge Point, FB Marshall, PNG , Beaumont Central, Dayton are some of them. Again, I never said that the teams they lost to are not good but when you are trying to rep your team as "top in the region" and downing other teams that have made it as far or farther in the playoffs it doesn't stand up.
  13. So in one comment you say you don't talk down on other programs and then proceed to do it. Lol. As far as Crosby goes how are they one of the better programs when they consistently can't get past the first or second round? I am fully capable of getting constructive criticism as long as it doesn't have ulterior motive as yours does. You make your criticism and then immediately make a Crosby comparison to prove (to yourself) that they are better. That isn't constructive. BTW, our new coach now in his second year that you keep downing was a round past the "great" Crosby coach in his first year of coaching, while your team went home to a team that Ned beat the week before. But I digress , since this is way off topic so back to Crosby vs Vidor.
  14. You better pray hard for that full moon at least being able to see it. Looks like a rainy Friday night this week. (again)
  15. That was a very long time ago. Lets get back to football.
  16. Spammers. We try to ban them and delete it as fast as we can but they are persistent
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