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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. Glad your doing better buddy. Get well and the "assistant wardens" will do our best to keep this thing going smoothly.
  2. Take it slow man and heal. We will take care of the Warden duties.
  3. So on one hand you say that PNG was out coached, but still talk about a watered down field. Lol. Which one beat your team? It didn't seem to slow down Roschon.
  4. Still making excuses. What about the last 7 years? Some of those games were at the reservation.
  5. good point, but to be fair, PNG hasn't had a coach that "knows how to beat Nederland " in about 25 years.
  6. I think this thread needs to get back to the topic and back on the rails. Please.
  7. I'm not familiar with him. Which middle school is he at and what does he coach now? (Assuming DC but I could be wrong.)
  8. Hmm, seeing as Ned had a 6 game streak against Central until last year and an 8 year streak until the end against Ozen (56-6 final) we will see I guess.
  9. I have updated some of the rivalries under the History page and added the vaunted "Ned vs Vidor rivalry!"
  10. Nederland vs Vidor - There is always a lot of discussion about this "rivalry" , but these two teams started playing in 1940 and it took Vidor 35 years to beat Nederland for the first time. Nederland leads this series 58-10-1. Nederland vs Vidor Nederland leads 58-10-1 1940 Nederland 33 6 1941 Nederland 50 6 1942 Nederland 39 0 1943 Nederland 39 0 1944 Nederland 27 0 1945 Nederland 33 0 1946 Nederland 47 6 1947 Nederland 18 12 1948 Nederland 22 0 1949 Nederland 33 0 1950 Nederland 38 0 1951 Nederland 32 6 1952 Nederland 33 0 1953 Nederland 45 0 1954 Nederland 54 6 1955 Nederland 40 6 1956 Nederland 26 0 1957 Nederland 42 0 1958 Nederland 36 0 1959 Nederland 28 0 1960 TIE 0 0 1961 Nederland 28 0 1962 Nederland 32 6 1963 Nederland 24 6 1966 Nederland 41 6 1967 Nederland 21 16 1968 Nederland 17 0 1969 Nederland 28 0 1970 Nederland 14 6 1971 Nederland 21 7 1972 Nederland 35 7 1973 Nederland 49 28 1974 Nederland 49 8 1975 Vidor 13 14 1976 Vidor 14 10 1977 Nederland 21 15 1978 Nederland 21 17 1979 Vidor 0 14 1980 Nederland 21 19 1981 Nederland 3 0 1982 Vidor 7 27 1983 Vidor 7 28 1984 Nederland 27 21 1985 Vidor 14 15 1986 Nederland 21 13 1987 Nederland 28 14 1996 Nederland 27 10 1997 Nederland 42 0 1998 Nederland 43 22 1999 Nederland 28 7 2000 Nederland 28 10 2001 Vidor 8 10 2002 Nederland 37 17 2003 Nederland 33 0 2004 Nederland 44 6 2006 Vidor 24 28 2007 Nederland 28 7 2008 Nederland 35 23 2009 Nederland 22 20 2010 Vidor 14 24 2011 Nederland 22 19 2012 Nederland 20 13 2013 Nederland 31 10 2014 Nederland 50 32 2015 Nederland 36 30 2016 Vidor 29 28 2017 Nederland 28 21 2018 Nederland 41 21 2019 Nederland 10 6
  11. Lol. You hope. Seeing as neither Central or Ozen has beaten Nederland consistently in the last 10 years or so I am not seeing how this is going to change.
  12. I was going to point that out as well. Ozen hasn't been to the playoffs since 2014 and hasn't had a winning record since 2011 but they still send kids to college on scholarships.
  13. Grad is the lawyer so he can probably answer this better than I, but I think DA means charges have been filed but will be dropped if you don't commit another offense in that jurisdiction for a certain amount of time (This is done for speeding tickets for people who do not live in the county they are ticketed in) among other things. The deferment program is in lieu of charges.
  14. The diversion programs are in lieu of charges being filed. If he doesn't complete the program then the charges are filed , the way I understand it.
  15. What are your objections to it? I think it looks pretty good myself.
  16. Final update for the season with seedings.
  17. Sounds like too many head coaches, not enough fans.
  18. You don't see many separate ADs at the lower levels. Mostly in the 6A and 5A levels and mostly in districts with multiple schools. I can't think of any one school 5A districts or 4A and lower districts that separate the AD from the HC job. That doesn't mean there aren't any though.
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