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Everything posted by LIL_T669981

  1. Even though I am a big dayton fan I am pulling for yall barbers hill yall go boys kick some butt
  2. My dad is on the top of list for a heart transplant. he is doing good on a heart pump for now they r probably going to put a artificial heart pump on him until the transplant heart comes in. I wanted to try to get him a winning football from the BIG DAYTON BRONCOS with everybody signature  like the whole football team and the cheerleaders and the coaches he would love this as a gift he is this biggest DAYTON BRONCO FAN
  3. Thank you how would we start it I am new at this I thought I wouldnt have to go thru this but it is the first for everything
  4. Thank yall for all the prayers I see him today and he squeezed mine and his grand daughters hand and held it tight and he he moved his foot and shook his head yes and no when I was asking him questions. he is missing on going to the game. everybody's prayers have been working on him. thank yall again. He is the biggest Dayton broncos fan there is.
  5. Way to go broncos I wish my dad was there to see yall play thank yall for winning.My dad is the biggest dayton broncos fan I would love to have a benefit for him.  put dont know how I would get it going.
  6. Go broncos win for my dad steve knightrider
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