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Everything posted by Zedd

  1. [Hidden Content]
  2. Westbrook boys went to the Cy Ridge tournament on Dec 2nd. They were still missing their heavyweights but most of the other boys had won their appeals for weight class and had dropped down a step. Garret Schaefer and Joe Dark both took 2nd in their bracket. Garret ended up losing to Chris Renaud, Houston's top rated 152 wrestler. This is Joe Dark's first year wrestling varsity and he's doing well. His younger brother is also on the team. Jacob Rice took a 4th in his weight class and could have challenged for 3rd and was expected to win but he had wrestled 5 matches, the UIL limit for 1 day. This weekend the team travels to The Woodlands for a 2 day tournament. The returning heavyweights, Micheal Zoch, Josh Bonura and Gerald Moulton were all good wrestlers last year so the team should do well this weekend. Dec 16th will be a duals match at Westbrook. This is the only chance to see them wrestle at home this year so try and come out to support them.
  3. Westbrooks 103 lb wrestler, Caleb putting it to St. Thomas [Hidden Content]=
  4. I'm not exactly sure how the new rules work either. The boys had to go to Houston to weigh in. They first had to pass a UA for dehydration. If they passed they were weighed and pinched for body fat. They were then given a minimum weight for the year. It's there to protect the boys from losing weight at an unhealthy rate but it caught a lot of them offguard. Next year they'll know what to expect.
  5. Westbrook's 160 wrestler, Garret [Hidden Content]
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. Westbrook went up against 3 teams at the Mayde Creek Duals match, Cy-Fair, St Thomas and Morton Ranch. They are still short of heavyweights because of the football playoffs and gave up a lot of forfeits. Cy-Fair dominated with some older athletes. Westbrook doesn't have enough boys to field a JV team so everyone wrestled varsity. Christian Diaz, a freshman, was pitted against an obviously older opponent and lasted 3 tough rounds to a 2-10 loss. A strong showing for the freshman. Jacob Rice was the only one who won all three of his matches with first round pins. Garret Schaefer and Matt Manual both went 2 out of 3. Garret got 2 pins and lost a 7-16 decision to Cy-Fair. Dec. 2nd will be a tournament at Cy-Ridge.
  8. Westbrook has a good team this year. They're loaded with well trained, strong freshman. Coach Hemming's son, Tanner, Jacob Rice's younger brother Sammy, and Christian Diaz are the future of the team. The lineup as a whole is suffering this year due to some confusion about the new UIL rules. A lot of boys are stuck wrestling over their optimum weight and suffering for it. So far they've competed against 3 schools. They did well against St. Thomas and Cy-Spring but hit a wall against Klein. Klein is thought by most to be the toughest team in the Houston area and they showed it last night. Except for Flores and Manuel they would have swept Westbrook. Tuesday the 21st they go to Mayde Creek for a duals match. Cy-Fair, Morton Ranch, and Mayde Creek are all good teams so it should be exciting.
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