What does team chemistry have to do with winning games? Seriously? A team that doesn't like each other for sure can't play together, and what HF has this year for the first time in a long time, is a team that actually enjoys playing with one another. Has anyone stopped to think that the young talent doesn't mesh with the varsity and would only cause tension? No one is arguing that the "da freshman PG" is not talented enough to be on varsity. The real question is how would he fit in with the system? I've watched him play, and don't get me wrong, the kid is good. 95% of the time he will be the best athlete on the floor. However, I've also seen him get down on his teammates and all around just try to do too much forcing bad shots or making silly passes. His attitude is a problem for me. I don't like to see guys degrade their teammates because they aren't as good. Bluedove, I have nothing but respect for his determination and will to win, but I do have beef with the way he treats his teammates. If you want to teach him something, tell him to watch the way Joey Nguyen (the starting varsity PG) carries himself through practice and games, always encouraging others and never getting down on anyone but himself. If someone makes a mistake, Joey is the first one to pick them up. His talent isn't the reason he is the captain of this team, it's the fact that every player out there respects him and wants him on the court right next to them.