i know some of the good jumpers in this are some are
cam powell-koontz
cj bugsbey-koontz
turmain thomas-East chambers
matt andndrews-warren
all thes guys are in the same districk so it should b fun 2 watch
all 3 of thes teams are good koontz is probly the best but i think warren is better than east chambers EC only has 1 player and thats thomas warren has 3 big time scorers paul sims matt andrews and kinney granger they all get about 7-10 boards pergame 2 matt is 6'4 paul and kinney 6'3 they are good
spurger found out first hand 2 night how good paul sims matt andrews and kinney granger are they all 3 killed spurger and got their team the win with these 3 leading the way they could go somewhere and thats the truth
like somebody all ready said matt andrews and paul sims are monsters matt can play inside and out and paul is awsome from anywhere they have a chance at all state both of them are from warren
2 night the warren warriors beat spurger kenney granger paul sims and matt andrews all stepped up big 2 night with double point preformences they could all play college ball