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east texas bb

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Everything posted by east texas bb

  1. pinelandflash, what happened at the end of the game?  Where was the game played?
  2. Goodrich is on a little run with beating Spurger and now Leggett.
  3. Gotcha.  That is why I didnt know if I was in the dark or not.  With all these private schools popping up I thought it might be one. Oh well.
  4. I must be in the dark.  Is this a new school and I assume that it is close to Leggett with the name, but where is the specific location or am I totally off.  I have just never heard of them.
  5. I figured it woud be a good game.  Coach Darren Cook who coaches Broadduss dosent put himself out there much and get a bunch of popularity but he is a good coach, he always has his teams well prepared.  This was without their best player, and they have a legit 7th and 8th grade group if they continue to grow, I watched them play and they have some nice youngsters.
  6. I say Center, Hudson and Jasper.  No upsets tonight IMO.  Never know though, everyone is close, a few teams have a slight edge.
  7. From listening to you speak and explain things on here, I can tell that you are one of the better officials.  I can tell you and most on the board know I have coached in the past and will be getting back into the coaching profession.  My question would be with the intent and advantage, does it not give a team an advantage if Defender (A) fouls 4 times but he didnt get the steal and was not punished for it because it did not give him an advantage, but on the 5th time he did get the steal and scored a layup on the other end. To me that could change a game, with so many variables in basketball from being in foul trouble to playing correct defense to a game that is a one possession game.  This defender(A) was allowed an advantage all game to "take chances" knowing he would not get a foul but then he got the clean steal after fouling the Offenisive player the entire game.  The defender had the advantage the entire game.  He knew who could foul without consequence.  It is my opinion, that the offense should be protected, especially the shooter and the ball-handler.  They can not perform the skills that make basketball such a unique and beautiful game if they are being fouled the entire game. My entire purpose in this thread has been that officials should have to be held as accountable as anyone that steps on the court or that is involved in the game. At present, there is no accountability.  Officials know it and coaches know it.  Coaches are at the mercy of the officials. Most of the time, unless it is a good official he can not even talk to the official without getting a technical, or ejected thus in alot of scholl districts means dismissal and a trip to the UIL.  I  just think officials have too much control without accountability.
  8. HS and Pro Sports are completely different animals. If he stumbles then it should be a walk even if it was 60 feet away.  He did not execute a skill correctly which would have given the other team the ball and a chance to score.  Call the game the way it states.
  9. Is it a ADVANTAGE or DISADVANTAGE for a player to ride and handcheck a player up and down the court and try for a steal 3 or 4 times each time making a foul, but he didnt get the steal so no foul is called?  Then he finally does get a clean steal after attempting 4 times (fouling all times) but no DISADVANTAGE was there so no foul was called.  So you end up with a ballhandler, tired from someone handchecking him up the court and trying to steal the ball and fouling him with no fouls and 1 steal.   What should have happened was when the defender started handchecking and riding the player with his body down the court, he should have been called for a foul which would have backed him up and made him play good defense instead of just using his strength and quickness to foul the offensive player.  
  10. Me too, that goes to the entire heart of what we are talking about.  When you talk about advantage or disadvantage you are giving complete comtrol to the official.  The game should be called by the UIL rule book best interpreted as can.  I know that all calls will not be good or that all calls will be bad.  And there is no REAL accountability system, there are multiple coaching websites and the one thing they complain about is officiating or the lack of accountability on the part of the officials.  The coaches can only scratch and official, that is it, they can call the chapter which does absolutley no good.  And a coach will not scratch an official unless absolutley necessary because they are afraid that the official they scratched they will have to have in a playoff game which we know how that will go.  I too, was going along with some of the post until ADVANTAGE and DISADVANTAGE, that is all in the mind's eye of the official, which in essence is his judgment, and the game should not be called on his judgment but on the book describing the rules in the game.
  11. I know Goodrich beat Spurger but didnt Spurger beat Leggett and they are still 19.  Dont quite understand the rationale.  I guess thats what happens when you get a bunch of coaches voting on something!! LOL I think 3-4 teams in that district could be in the top 25 in the state. Leggett, Spurger, Goodrich and Burkville.  JMO
  12. wshaslum, very well put.  They wont beat themselves. I hear that Melissa2A has a team similar to Ponders of past.  Ranked number 1, they are undefeated and have beat some big schools.  Bob Knight simplified it best when he said, "to win in high school you have to do two things, make your layups and pass to YOUR team".  Very simple statement but loaded with basketball.
  13. EaglesWoodville, read the post, I said people were walking over Hemphill, did not say Woodville.  I just pointed out the fact that yall had gotten beat two games in a row and almost a 3rd by the team other teams in district having been walking over.  Yall will probably still get in on the 3rd spot though. And that is the same thing New Waverly was thinking, that they would walk all the way to the Gold around their necks.  Everyone talked about how awesome New Waverley(and they were good) was and how no one could play with them and then Ponder steps on the court, plays a halfcourt game, allows them to get only one shot (no offensive rebounds), dosent turn the ball over and beats them I want to say by 15.  If you want to be a GREAT team you have to be able to play at both tempos, a halfcourt tempo and a full court tempo. 
  14. IMO if their big hole is at the point they will be in big trouble. 
  15. UKCats you are correct.
  16. Utfan, you smite him and I will too.  lol
  17. Get well AAW.  My family just went through the stomach virus.  It was crazy here this weekend.  Hope you dont have that, it was some bad stuff.  Anyway, get well soon.
  18. Sometimes WE all are. 
  19. I believe I read somewhere at sometime that Bulldogs was the most popular mascot and Eagles was second.  Im sure it could be googled pretty easily.
  20. Which ones?  That just got me to thinking their are 3 teams in the 7 team district  that have the mascot as an eagle.  Newton, Woodville, and Woden.
  21. So the offensive player can not pivot?  If he has three defenders on him, he can not pivot in any direction or he misplaces a offensive player.  Then he should just chunk the ball up in the air. Once the offense has the ball, they have space to move in any direction they choose.  They can not do it in the intent to injure someone or it is an offensive foul, but they can pivot in any direction they choose so long as they do not hit someone on purpose.
  22. I agree that games are called differently at different classifications.  Just like AAU.  I you play in a large school, you will have to get used to the officials allowing more contact.  I dont agree that it should be that way.  If a foul is a foul then it should be a foul at whatever level the officials are calling. Secondly, didnt anyone watch the Syracuse and Villanova game last night?  If you did, you would have noticed how as Syracuse was behind at the end and trying to come back they were pressing and fouling and the officials were allowing more and more fouling to occur.  It was if the officials wanted Syracuse to come back and make it a close game.  Luckily Villanova made 7-7 on their FT at the end on the calls they did get. Lastly, going to the chapter and UIL have been tried numerous times with no avail.  I dont know what the answer is, wasnt hired to come up with the answer, I just know that officials need to be held as accountable as anyone that steps on the court.  If not then they are the deciders of everyone's fate unless you get good ones.  And there are good officials out there, jsut few and far between.
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