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east texas bb

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Everything posted by east texas bb

  1. My grandfather officiated for 35 years and I have officiated games.  I am on both sides, I want the officials to call the game correctly and the best they can.  No one expects them to get ever call right.  IF you do expect them to then you have lost your mind.  There are alot of good officials that want to do a good job, and you can usually tell by there performance.  To ask the Fans to shut up is another moot point, that will never happen.  Should they try to be quiet, yes, but there are too many emotions in the game.  Officials that really care for the game and do a good job are needed and believe me coaches will go to bat for an official that will treat him with respect.  My only argument in the entire thread was if officials are going to have as much control and influence over the game as they do, they should have some kind of accountability.  I dont know what and how that gets done. 
  2. I certainly agree that if a kid is giving an official back talk then he needs a technical foul and if a coach is crossing the line then he needs the same.
  3. My bad, from the way I read your statement it sounded like you were. Sorry for the mistake.
  4. Exactly trophyman, and I do not adhere to the common theme at the end of games "let the players decide the game".  Yes, let them decide the game within the rules. But it shouldnt be a free for all the last 10 seconds.  If someone shoots and gets fouled it should be called.  The officals should be there to keep the game within the rules as the players play.
  5. So I guess you are an official, by your statement I can tell that you are looking for any and every excuse to call a technical so it will show you have control.  Should the drops of water be cleaned up?  Depending on how bad it was.  I am sure the official was looking for any reason to call something to bring attention to himself.  Players sweat during a game so there is always drops of water on the floor.  Does a coach need to call a timeout each time one of his players drops sweat onto the floor?  I guess so, he didnt really need those timeouts for maybe something important, like a critical time in the game. If it was a puddle of water that was unsafe then it should have been allowed to be cleaned up without a timeout which would have taken about 10 seconds, then the game could have resumed.  The coach could have then made the adjustments to make sure the water did not get on the floor again.
  6. It is true you have to adjust to the officials because you have no other choice.  But your statement just completely threw the UIL rule book out the window and allowed the official to call the game the way he wanted. Does that make much since? Of course not.  So if the official decided that tonight we are going to allow players to run with the ball without dribbling, the players should just adjust?  It is simple, call the game according to the rules.  Do not expound or detract from the rules, call it by the rules.  Then you would see basketball in a much pure form.  Basketball should be judged or officiated on the fundamental tactile skills, technical skills, and knowledge of game combined with athleticism.  Dont add, dont subtract.  Officials are not doing that for the most part, do some officials do a great job yes, I am talking about the majority of them not doing a good job.  And for goodness sakes dont listen and talk to the fans if they say something, if either goes past the point then and only then should the official call a technical.  You have officials that will not even discuss anything with a coach, the coach and the official should have a working relationship.  I could tell crazy stories of officials that would blow your mind. From hidden agendas to even after being shown in the rule book that he was incorrect during a timeout, he admitted and still did not change it. First he didnt know the rule, second he didnt correct his mistake. 
  7. Double antsey Triple Stampsey!!!!
  8. I dont disagree.  I dont know the solution.  Maybe if they charged a little more to get into the gates they could pay refs well.  Most refs can make 75-100 in a night.  That is not too bad for a couple of games.  You would expect the ones who are getting paid this well to call a good game.
  9. I too have coached and continue to, more than likely have coached more than you, I dont understand what that matters though.  I particularly dont like NBA ball. That is for another thread though.  It just seems you are for Diboll which is fine.  I just think you were taking the statments a little too much to heart.  I was basically just giving an account for the first half of district and what looks probable. It would have been a little different if I would have said Hudson wins the district and Center 2nd and everyone else is fighting for 3rd.  But I didnt, I said it is shaping up that way. That was all I was putting out there,  I wasnt trying to upset anyone.  No look, you are correct that if Center loses they would have the same record as Diboll but Center would still have the edge because they beat Diboll, at least the first half.  And that is that. The second half should be interesting. And so you know I have gotten out and watched alot of games this year as you suggested, every Tuesday and Friday night.  And some on the weekends. 
  10. Well the game plan worked on Davis.  I figured with him having to break the press and then try to score on a zone would be hard for him. Hopefully the rims wont be so friendly to Lowe at Huntington.
  11. Thats all I was saying, if you look at it from the standings, yes anything can happen and Diboll, Jasper, and Center especially could get 2nd.  Huntington or Central could get second.  There are still games to be played.  Anything could happen, I posted the standings and what it looked like from the first half of district and you start attacking.  Things are possible and things are probable, I was just coming from the probable standpoint, but I know anything in basketball can happen. Played and watched too many games.  I will save my smite for later. Who do you pull for if you dont for Diboll(you said you had no allegience), it just seems most of your posts are for Diboll as mine and no looks are for Huntington?  And thats cool, everyone has a team they pull for.
  12. I have officiated plenty of games. It is not easy, but if you take it serious you can do the job right. That does not stop the fact the officials are not held accountable. Coaches pour everything into a game and the majority of refs do not care about anything but getting the check and having a little power.   Give the coach the seatbelt, send him to the UIL.  Most officials do not even know the true rules of the game.  I have seen multiple calls that are just ridiculous, and that is not even stating the fact that the rules they do know they do not enforce correctly.  If a coach and players are going to spend as much time as they do to prepare for a game as most do, they deserve an official that will at least call the game with knowledge and integrity.  That is not too much to ask.   The reason they have no accountability factor yet is because there are a shortage of good refs and the UIL has not figured a way to hold them accountable.  But, no one can say with honesty and fairness that a person can take a few courses and become an official and should be able to control a game and a coach when the coach is under control.  That is just not right, it is one of the biggest problems in athletics today.  And no one can seem to get the solution.  So I guess we will continue to get poor calls until someone does come up with a solution. PS.  And Im not a parent of a current player.  I just see poor officiating and call it what it is.
  13. I agree.  Officials have no accountability.  If they were held accountable for what and how they called then they would study and do a better job instead of just show up for the game.  And you know as well that officials are human beings just like all of us, they see rankings, they have opinions, they have a preset determination even if it is subconscience.  And what is sad is coaches spend every hour, work there tails off spending so much time and effort to teach players how to play the game, basically their lively hood, that is for most coaches who give a darn.  And some guy off the street can take a few classes and get an outfit and go decide the outcome of games for the players and coaches, they can give a coach a technical for anything they want really and make them sit for the rest of the game, like they are a baby, when the coaches are the actual educated ones. As well, they can eject you from a game and make you spend a lot of time and effort by making you appear before the UIL and other implications as well.  It is a real problem.  I wouldnt have a problem if they were held accountable and would call the game by the rules, I get so tired of officials allowing teams to ride or handcheck a player in the game for the entire game and also crashing the boards.  It has become where the players are rewarded for being faster and stronger, not rewarded for the skills the make the game the beauty that it is at times and should be always.
  14. Meadowlark, I clearly said that is the way it stands for the first half of district.  As for Hudson and Center having 1st and 2nd wrapped up, who knows, it sure looks they way now.  They have a second half to play and Hudson beat yall 20 and Center beat yall 8.  Nothing is set in stone but things look more probable one way than they do the other.  So to say that Diboll has a chance at 2nd is one thing but it looks more probable that they will get the 3rd spot if they get it.  You are biased toward Diboll because that is your team, that is understandable.  Look at this from the bigger picture.  I have no allegience whatsoever to Central but I will go on record that they have 4 home games next half of district.  They have played everyone to within 8-10 points and league leader to within 1.  Central will play a role in who makes the playoffs.  They will be good for the next 3-4 years.
  15. I know that anything is possible once the playoffs are in action.  We do not know who will be at the Regionals.  I would think it best to wait and see.
  16. It sounds like this game and the Silsbee game were close until the end.  Is there more parity in this district than thought or do yall think both teams were down from having played each other so strongly?
  17. Dont know the official score, but know Zavalla won badly.  Boys and girls.  I think this district race is already decided. West Sabine, Broaddus, Zavalla.
  18. Well at least the game plan was there.  They have to get ready for Central and not overlook them, Hudson only beat them by 1 but Huntington has them at home too so that should play into Huntington's favor.  Turnovers and offensive rebounds is what I thought got them beat against Center.
  19. Its just the first half of district.  But it stands Hudson at 5-0 and Center (if they beat Kirbyville) at 4-1.  They play each other next week so Hudson will be 6-0 or 5-1 and Center will be 4-2 or 5-1.  Diboll is 3-2 and has Kirbyville Friday(which should be a win) that will put them at 4-2, Jasper is 3-3 and Huntington is 2-3 with Central next week.  If they win, they go to 3-3 if they lose the go to 2-4.  Central would go to 1-5 or 2-4.  Kirbyville is winless. Looks like Hudson, Center, Diboll, (Huntington/Jasper/Central) Kirbyville in that order to finish first half of district. Huntington has the tiebreaker over Jasper unless they lose which would put them at a lower record.  2nd half will be more telling.  Some teams will have more home games the 2nd half. I wouldnt count anyone out.  Diboll, Huntington, Jasper, Central all have a chance at the 3rd spot.
  20. Unfortuantly turnovers has been Huntington's plague.  Did they do pretty good on the Davis kid or was he not really a factor?
  21. No look, can they play them at home a good game?  How many did the Davis kid have?
  22. They might as well not even play the games in this district.  There are 5 teams.  2 are horrible.  West Sabine wins it all, Broaddus 2nd, and Zavalla 3rd. 
  23. Evidentally they can win on a consistent basis, they are 20 something and 5 on the year.  Im not riding anything, you can keep argueing what you want and I really havent told you what I really thought about the game until you posted your post above and then I just got tired of hearing it.  Woodville may not even make the playoffs will all the losses they are accumulated lately.  And as far as their rankings, I guess you would have to take that up with the coaches of Texas who I would think have a little more reputation and credibility than you do. You can jab back because I really dont care, because from your posts I can tell you do not know very much about this game.  Yes, Woodville beat CH.  Are they better, no.  It was one game followed by a loss at home to Woden and then another to SA.  We can both keep posting or we can just wait until it is all over and see what the outcome is.  If I am wrong, I will admit it.  I can tell you CH is very good and they are playing about 10-15 points under there capability because their guards are not producing like they did last year in a tougher district than the one they are in now.  The only team to beat them by a large margin is Crockett at number 2 in the state, and they lost by 18.  Go ahead and post something back but MY OPINION is that CH will win district and go further in the playoffs than Woodville.  I was Woodville play, they are very athletic and big.  But they are not very skilled.  And CH does have one 6'6' player, 2 6'5" guys and one that is about 6'4".  And guess what, Ch will be just as good next year because they have alot of youth.  My money is on CH, yours is on Woodville.  We will see how it plays out. Then the REAL talking can begin.  As of now CH is 3-1 in district, Woden 3-1, and Woodville is 1-3 or 2-2, Im not sure about ther record, I do know that they are a little above average 2A team. 
  24. Well according to the poles of Texas Coaches they have CH ranked as high as Kountze and EC is not ranked.  I personally think the Woodville win was a fluke at CH, evidence in the fact they were so high for the game they lost their next two games.  Ch will win district and Woden will get 2nd and Woodville 3rd.  Kountze will not run up and down the floor on CH.  Did Woodville, and that is the style they play.  They want the score to be in the 80's.  Kountze plays the same way, you dont know how a game is going to come out until you play the game.  Matchups are different. I am not saying that Central Heights is dominate verses Kountze or East Chambers, but they would give them all they wanted.  Pressure dosent bother CH and that is what Kountze thrives on.  They probably only had 10-12 turnovers against Woodville.  Woodville more than likely played the best game they have played all year against CH.  We will see how it turns out in district and in the playoffs. Until then, everyone is just guessing.
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