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east texas bb

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Posts posted by east texas bb

  1. No look, you think Huntington can beat Hudson this year.  If you dont want to post on here PM me.  I think they have a good chance of splitting.  Each gets a W at their place.  Do you know what Center has?  Havent heard anything out of them this year.  I know they are picked to win district but that was more than likely due to them winning it last year. 
    I  hope Huntington can get one of the 3 spots, I think they have a shot.  I think Central is going to surprise some people in district. This year and in the coming years. 
  2. Bluedove, it may be.  I love for the defense to play hard.  I find it hard to watch a team that does not play hard.  That being said, when a shooter goes up for a shot, he has to be protected. The area he left the floor and his body should not be touched, if he falls forward then the shooter will probably get a charge, which protects good defense.  The dribbler must also be protected, his progress should not be impeeded by the defense putting their hands or hip/body on the dribbler.  Those are the two main problems I see in offciating: protecting the shooter, and protecting the dribbler.  If you lose these two things you have lost alot of the great things that make basketball great. IMO
  3. The NBA Championship is the Lakers to lose the last I had heard. With that being said, the Heat will make the playoffs, may make a wave or two but will not do much, and stevenash knows that.  His Celtics will more than likely win it this year.  I would also give the Spurs as of late in the discussion and the Magic.  The heat are way down my list, no post play, two guys that create off the dribble good but do not play together very well at all and neither are very good outside shooters.  Wade is better than Lebron, but Lebron is not a very good shooter, very streaky.  If, big if, the Heat were to get someone to play defense down low, they dont need to score a lot,  and they get Mike Miller back to go with House for shooters and Wade and Lebron learn how to play together, which looks hopeless, they could make a run in the playoffs.  Still dont think they could beat the Magic or Celtics, their team cohesion has been there for a much longer time. 
  4. I dont think people expect officials to have any effect on bad passes or any of the other stuff mentioned.  Officials should call the game by the rule book.  Mostly protecting the offense. And the defense when their is a player out of control.  TO protect the fundamentals of the game.  Protect the shooter, the dribbler. For basketball players to play a good sound fundamental undercontrolled game an official must protect these players.  If not it will become something the coach, players, fans do not want to participate in.  
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