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east texas bb

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Posts posted by east texas bb

  1. Im not trying to stir up stevenash, I actually think he is very knowledgable about the game.  We may disagree sometimes but I bet we would agree on most things.  I love the thoughts and talk on this board.  Very passionate people. Where you see passion you will usually see people trying to do good things for our youth and everyone alike.  I like talking to you BlueDove and hearing about your boys.  Great place to talk hoops.
  2. The big kid from Crockett can play.  For his Size (Length and Width) you would not think he was as agile and athletic as he is.  Have a couple of shooters as well.  I thought they had the Earp kid, the younger brother of the player from a few years back who could flat out shoot and play.  And coach drafhal does a very good job with them, always does. They dont just have good athletes, they play good ball too.  I also heard (just heard can not confirm) that their best player, a guard/forward was hurt and was not playing yet.
  3. Woodville does have some outside shooters and their inside guys all shoot the ball well too.  Did not see Sells shoot any shots from outside but they were playing him at the halfcourt line so I would penetrate to.  Just sayin. 
    Concerning the Woddville/Jasper game?  Where is being played?  Woodville or Jasper?
    I will say Jasper by 10 or less.  Just a guess. I have only seen them play once, Jasper and Woodville.
  4. America has the lead in basketball as far as athleticism, but the European/(any overseas program) are definetly more in tune to the fundamental side of the game. They have caught up to the AMericans in the last 10-20 years.  A lot of good stuff comes from the overseas style and just to add this little bit, the Europeans/Argentina are a HUGE advocate of teaching to be able to generate your own shot within the team play.  Why do you you think they run the pick in role so much?  Bring their big man out high to play? That is why the 1-5 players on their team skills are so similar, they do not designate this guy a post and this a guy a point.  They teach them how to play not just do a particular skill of the game.  I watched all of the Fiba games and if you will notice, the NBA draft is almost drafting as many players overseas than they do from America.  Overseas or other players from different countries can definetly generate and create their own shot.  They teach every player to dribble, pass and shoot.  Point to Post. 
  5. Agree completely.  Jbruce is a heck of a coach.  He went into Slocum and did what it takes to turn a program around.  And he even did it quicker than I would think. I didnt know he coached under the coach at Kelly.  I dont know him, have seen him coach and his teams and they have always played a good game.
    Congrats to Slocum and to Kelly, what a privelage to get to play at the Toyato Center.  Kids will never foget that.
  6. The coach obviously downplayed Silsbee and no telling what he told his team before or after the game.  Do I think mentally that Ball was thinking it was a runaway game, they probably were.  Somewhere between the 1st and 2nd quarter the Ball players realized they were going to have to REALLY play to win this game. The problem now is Silsbee has confidence and whatever they thought before the game (if they thought they could not play with them) was gone.  Silsbee's momentum and confidence were high.  The BALL players probably started the game out slow thinking they would blow Silsbee out, escpecially if the coach is talking 20+ before the game (what ignorance on his part).  Regardless, Silsbee played with Ball, had them down 10 at one point and then only lost by 4.  The BALL players may have not been ready, but they would have started playing hard when they knew that it was not going to be easy. 
    With all that being said, I dont think BALL will win State (even being #1 in the State and 6th in Nation) if they have a coach that is talking like that it will come back and bite him because he will under prepare for the wrong team at the wrong time.  Unless of course your Yates and you are beating everyone by 65+ and scoring 110 points in a 32 minute game.  I dont think Yates had a close game last year, at least with anyone in this state, Seven Lakes played them about as good as anyone could have.
  7. EaglesWoodville#1, you must be talkingto no look on the Ball deal.  But all kidding aside, was impressed with yalls team.  Big, athletic, had some shooter, Sells can do alot of good stuff with the ball, played pretty good together.  And yall play 9-10 deep when I watched yall.  Before I saw yall I didnt think yall had a shot at Woden or SA but when I saw yall play Newton I knew you would give them a good game and more than likely win. 
  8. Good Point.  When officials do a good job we should let them know.  My grandfather officiated for a long time before he passed away.  If we are going to give them a hard time when they call bad, then we can give them a shout when they do a good job.  From the threads, it sounds like the officials did a good job.  Props to them and the coaches or organizers who brought those guys in.  Makes for a much better game.
  9. Well said True Blue.  Very good analogy.  Sorry that the PG that was with yall so long decided to advance his life ahead of schedule.  He will regret it.  Not the child, but that he missed his shot of playing. Now the rest of the team has to hurt because of his choice.
    BlueDove good point as well.  I also wish we would stay with HS ball.  NBA and HS are alot different.  No one presses in the NBA, big HUGE difference. Do PG guards need other players to succeed? Yes.  Does a spot up shooter need others to succeed? Yes.
    Recent newsletter by a profound basketball coach who is going for his PHD said that the most important skills to teach a kid is to dribble.  Brian McCormick. Without that skill you can not take the next steps that are necessary.  It is a great occurance in Youth Basketball that coaches try to individualize a player.  Putting this kid at post and this kid at PG.  His thesis was to teach all players how to dribble, because it is the most important skill to step-teach to the next level and also because you do not know if the Tall kid you put at post will not grow and if the PG will shoot up to 6'11".  His point being was how critical it is for each player on the floor to be able to handle the basketball. His thought process is very easy for me to understand.    I also would not limit a shot creator to a PG, or a spot up shooter to a 2 guard.  Most 2 guards that were considered great were the ones who could do it all. Most 1's have a whole load of stuff on their back to carry.  Extension of coach on the floor, reading the floor(passing to open players, spot up shooters, post players in position), shooting the shot, starting the offense, guarding their man, creating a shot when the offense collapses, feeding the post.  Lastly, I have never seen a box and 1 on a spot up shooter, I would give him an extra step closer on helpside d, but he would have to be a very special shooter for a box and 1.  I also would not be happy with my spot up shooter just creating a little more space on the floor. I would expect him to be a threat, preferably a triple threat.  One who can shoot, pass, and dribble. 
  10. I dont know who has played the tougher schedule, I know HJ and Silsbee have both beaten some quality opponents.  Silsbee leading Ball by 10 and getting beat by 2 speaks for it self.  And 4A is stronger than 5A this year, just as last.  
    That being said, I think it will still be close when they play in district.  I would give the edge to Silsbee.  I dont know how deep HJ goes and it seems that HJ plays very similar to the way Silsbee does.  Both full court pressure and push the ball up the floor.  
    HJ will have to slow it down to beat them this year, I dont think they cant beat them if it is a 70 to 75 plus game.
  11. Believe me I know what pool play and bracket play are.  I played in pool play for 6 straight summers and years throughout tournaments in this country.  I was just saying that no matter how you shake the bottle, HJ won the tournament, congrats on that.  TO ME, it would be a little bitter sweet, maybe because of the way I am, that they had beat us once and we had beat them once.  If it were me, I would want to play them again.  I would not be satiffied knowing they had beat me once.  That is just how I am and what I was trying to say.  Wasnt trying to take the win away, I congratulated you on that.  I have always been a little over competitive so that may be why I see it like that. 
    How many has HJ won in the last 10? 
    I saw you answered me 4 of the last 5 but I was curious of the last 10 years.
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