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east texas bb

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Posts posted by east texas bb

  1. I am not sure about the ft throw question.  Probably a judgment call by most officials.  Some would claim that he did not have possesssion of the ball yet so he could have called a timeout but it was a deadball in the possession of the ft shooting team.  I would be more mad at the coach for calling timeout than the official.  He is taking the focus off the ft shooter and shooting himself in the foot.  He may have wanted to set a press but he should have called the TO before then.
  2. It seems you want to start arguments all the time.  The point value is the same on all the above. But just like the other thread you pick pieces of the thread that coincide with your arguments without answering the questions asked of you.  You try to turn peoples words around on them to fit your mindset.  You are the worst  I have seen on the board about this, it seems like you try to bait people into arguements just like this thread.  If you knew anything about me you would know I am the most fundamental purist of the game and love to see team play, but for some reason you want to compare the Celtics and Heat which no one has even mention.  I dont know you and would probably like you if we sat down and talked but you are skewed if you think a team of spot up shooters could beat a team of players who can create their own shot and shoot the spot up shots as well.  You try to make your comparison based on the Celtics and Heat which I dont know where that came from.  But your coparision is under false assumption because the Celtics are not ALL spot up shooters vs. the Heat who you claim are all shooters who create off the dribble.  I simple said that a spot up shooter is not as valuable as someone who can do both.  Debate this:  This is the greatest example I can give you, which player is better.  Rajon Rondo or Steve Nash.  One player is one dimensional and the other can get his team involved (hence create shots for himselfs and others and shoot the open shot).  If you say Rondo, you have completely lost it.  ANSWER THE QUESTION directly. AND ANSWER this, would you rather have a Spot up Shooter like Ray Allen or someone who can create his own shot and shots for others(they go hand in hand) and shoot the open shot as well.  Be honest and dont get off subject. 
  3. The problem with officiating is that officials have nothing at stake, as do the coaches.  They have not put in hours and hours of work to get inconsitent calling.  The worst thing about officiating is the defender guarding the ball, dont get me wrong, but it is a foul to impede a dribbler if he is dribbler.  That means if you touch him on his pursiut to get past you that it is a foul.  I am all for playing aggressive defense and alot of people think that coaches are good because they teach their players to play hard.  But, they need to teach them to play hard without fouling.  Handchecking and riding a player up and down the court is a foul and needs to be called so.  It is not fair to the teams that actually try to do things the right way and teach fundamental play and then get in the game and allow the athletes to take over because they are stronger or faster.  The intregrity and fungamentals  of the game should be protected more and they are not.  This is something that is very bad in Region 3.  Once teams get past this region they will soon find out that officials from different areas protect the findamentals.  This should be their priority, but like I said they have no concern over protecting the game(they want to make their money and go on, I know there are exceptions) and allowing it to become a free for all, and a mindset to let the kids decide the game. Let the kids decide the game within the rules because basketball is a game of skills and athleticism not just athleticism.  Call the game the way it is read in the UIL handbook.  It is as simple as that.  Great example:  I saw Martins Mill get beat today by 6 points because the officials allowed Paris to ride them up and down the court.  5 out of 5 times they dont call a foul and then the one team gets a steal and its ok.  What about the other 5 times where they fouled and didnt call it?  If officials dont start calling the games the right way, the fundamentals, which in my opinion make the game beautiful to watch, will not be taught as much, 
  4. Evidentally we have a lot of guys who were spot up shooters in HS.  No one is bursting my bubble on Rondo, I know basketball and I am not going to argue on this subject anymore.  It is stupid.  Rondo can not shoot, he is a very average passer, he may have alot of assists but that is his sole job and he is surrounded by All-Stars.  Makes for a great team, exectaly what the Celtics have.  Does not make him a good passer.  And I am sorry about saying Rondo couldnt  shoot, I forgot about layups. 

    Anyone that would argue that they would rather have someone who can only make shots created for them vs. someone that can create his own and make shots from others is not thinking straight. That is a simple statement and a simple answer.  1 player can do both the other player can sit in the corner and hope someone gets him a shot so he can shoot.

    The best players in the game could create their own shots.  Plain and simple.  I dont have to post youtube videos (of one clip which I didnt even take the time to watch).  It is just common sense.
    Good luck to the Bosha and HF players, wish them the best.  Have a great day.  Im through with this topic.
  5. No I dont think Rondo can create his own shot.  What would he create, an airball? I mean seriously the guy shoots worse than shaq.  He is a good defender but it stops there, very average passer and very below average shooter.  He is surrounded by alot of great players therefore he looks good.
    You name a 5 man team with spot up shooters only and I will name a team with players who can create their own shot and we will be able to look at the players and decide which is better.  Just spot up shooters, not post players.  And I will name just guards that can create off the dribble.

    My 5 that can create off the dribble are Jordan, Kobe, Lebron, Bird, Nash, Magic, Pistol.  There is my top 7 players and arguably the best player that ever lived, the second and third best and the others in the top ten of all time.
  6. All Scores for Today:
    Woden 44 Nac 41, Jasper 32 Central Heights 49, Willis 78 Alto 59, Anahuac 66 Central 56, Tarkington 49 Paris 91, Martins Mill 59 Taylor 47
    Huntington 60 Shephard 37, Onalaska 54 Westwood 55, Buffaloe 36 SA 57, Crockett 84 Kelly 73, Hempstead 38 Slocum 55, Lovelady 54 Elgin 69
    Winners Bracket:  C.H. 61 Willis 56, Paris beat Anahauc 20, Westwood 53 SA 51, Crockett 81 Slocum 56
    Loser Bracket:  Jasper 90 Alto 53, Central 72 Tarkington 59, Onalaska 47 Buffaloe 42, Kelly 62 Hempstead 50

    Games Tomorrow:  Nac vs. Jasper, Central vs. Taylor at 8:00A.M., Shephard vs. Onalaska and Kelly vs. Lovelady at 9:30
    Woden vs. Central Heights and Paris vs. Martins Mill at 11:30, Huntington vs. Westwood and Crockett vs. Elgin at 3:30

    There will be other games once these have been decided.

  7. I am not trying to argue, I am simply stating that the guy that can create his shot is more valuable than the guy that can only shoot.  The players like, Michael, Kobe, Lebron, and Wade can shoot and get their own shot.  So where one player relies on someone to get his shot, the other can get his own shot and shots for others.  I would also agree with you that teams are concerned with Garnett and Pierce and this opens up alot for Ray.  I would stop there though, I do not think anyone is worried about Rajon Rondo, most of his defenders are about 4 feet off of him.  He can not create a shot for himself because he can not shoot, he has some good games with high assists numbers, but if you have a team full of stars and you are not going to shoot but pass everytime then your whole game is about assists.  And there is nothing wrong with that.  I feel like we are arguing and I really dont know why, I like the Celtics.  I dont care much for the Heat.  I think the Heat have better players but the Celtics have a better team.  (Back to Topic) But you can not honestly say that the best players that have ever played were spot up shooters.
    My statement that a player that can create his own shot is more valuable than a player that can not, cannot be refuted.  That is just not common sense.  And I still havent been answered on my question about Bosha.  Is he getting kickouts for shots or is he creating them?
  8. I just meant there is a difference between a player who can create his own shot and one that cant.  Everyone likes a shooter and most of the ones named can or could create off the dribble as well as shoot.  Ray Allen can go off the dribble but his primary threat is shooting on kickouts.  But you do have to admit, it would be aweful lonely playing on a team where you could shoot and no one could get one for you and you couldnt get it yourself.  

    And I wish all the best for the Bosha kid and HF kid, I hope they continue to grow.  
  9. One question for the Bosha kid and the HF kid for those who have seen them play.  Do they make most of their shots off the dribble?  There are alot of players who can shoot the ball, but only a few who can create their own shot within the offense.  This statement is coming from someone saying the Bosha kid hit 8 3's the other night.  I know alot of  players who have made a living off of kickouts. I dont know if this is happenign or not because I have not seen them play. Did he create the shots or were they kickouts?  If they were kickouts then I would not consider him a star.
    Secondly, I just wanted everyone to take a step back and look at this from we are judging a freshmen and 8th grade players.  It is a little too early to say what they will do in college and life.  I dont know if anybody remembers Michael Leblanc or Calvin Murphy Junior who were supposed to be stars and the next NBA players when they played for the Hoops.  Murphy ended up at Niagra, a small school in the Northest and Leblance went to Conneticut, could not play and ended back at Houston Baptist.  These are just a couple of examples of young kids who everyone thought were stars and future NBA players that did not come close. I too played against the Houston Hoops, beat the Houston Select and played for them as well.  I got camps paid for and had letters in the mail from major D1 colleges starting my soph and junior year.  This was about 15 years ago.  I improved some from my junior to senior year and still received letters and visits and all that stuff.  I played Division 2 ball, had the opportunity to play at the Division 1 level in the Northeast but did not want to move.  My point in this is I worked my tail off everyday and lived and breathed basketball and received the same "hype" for lack of a better word and ended up playing D2.  Dont stop dreaming and working hard, but realize that paid camps and letters from colleges is a long way from playing at Duke or the NBA.  
    I also agree 100 percent about Little Dribblers and some coaches who play kids just because of affiliation with someone who has a little power in a small town.  That does happen but you usually will not see it in good programs.  If you do see it in programs they will not be very good. I also agree that you will get college scholarships from playing in AAU and camps, but a State Championships was always the most important to me.  It was not something that was great for the spring, it was my biggest dream.
  10. Central Heights beat Jasper by 17.  It was close until the 4th.  I think 30-33 in favor of CH.  Jasper scored 3 points in the 4th all on free throws, they never made a field goal.  Final was CH 50-33.
    Woden beat Nac by 3.  I didnt see the game, understand Woden hit 2 3's to seal the win at the end.  They will play the winner of CH and Willis tomorrow.  Should be CH.
    Willis beat Alto, dont know the score. SA beat Buffaloe by 20-25. Huntington beat shephard by 20.  
    Crockett was beating Beaumont Kelly by 10 in the first quarter with about 3 minutes to go when I left. 14-4 when I left.
    Huntington will play the winner of SA and who ever won the Onalaska and Westwood game. Not sure who SA will play.  
    Central Heights is the real deal, I saw them play their first game of the season and today.  They looked good the first game but you could see the first game jitters.  Looked very confident and under control.  They will be a tough team to beat. Jasper pressed them the entire game and it did not effect them at all.  They broke it and either scored or broke the press and worked it inside to one of their bigs for a score. 
  11. HJ has a good tradition.  They will most likely continue to be successful.  Good coaches, admin, good atmosphere for basketball. HJ usually has a 8-10 point advantage going into the game just because of their name.  They have won for so long, most schools whether they know it or not will be intimidated just by their name.  They may have a year or two of being down but as long as they keep doing things the way they do them they will overall be successful, just as in the past.  And by the way I am not from HJ, have no ties at all.
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