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Everything posted by BigWolf10

  1. Brad Sullivan was a impressive big physical looking prospect. His senior season, I went to see Nederland play WO-S. I was awed by him. By the time they met PNG he'd faded a little. He still was a great prospect.
  2. Uno comes first. Family, family, family. Good Luck coach
  3. a long run in tha playoffs, compared to a lost to Lumberton? Hmm ??? I'll take playoff run
  4. Those kids and that community better get all they can outta him fast, cause he'll be now you see him, now you don't. ;D ;D ;D
  5. Jags will be deep at QB position
  6. I hardly know any of the Panther players. But from what I saw last season, RB White will be very good.
  7. I luv it. Jasper football deserve the best. If Brooks is behind him, then he must be right for the Dawgs. GO DAWGS!!!!
  8. Maybe a coach's success will warrent more money ??? They may be keeping cost down bc of economy :-\ this is a weird decision : The students seem to be very fun of this man. They are due an explanation IMO :o
  9. I totally agree. I don't think coaches are always the blame. The players are responsible sometimes. If you've had success with Spell, then maybe the drop off's not his fault. A coach can't put a kid in the right place. He can only show the kid where he needs to be. He can't be aggresive for the kid. He can only try to bring the aggresiveness out of the kid. Some times you get a group that don't respond a good as another group. Some times the chemistry is just not there with the players. The head coach pretty much knows his coaching staff, especially if they've been together for awhile.
  10. Double headers on Saturdays would be nice.
  11. WOW!!! Double decked on both sides. Reserves on the upper level. Not one bad seat in the stadium. Very, very impressive. This stadium is tighter than the Galena Park stadium. Big time playoffs are coming to BMT.
  12. Durley Stadium sucks! Babe is better!!! ;D ;D Naw Soulja, Babe sux ;D ;D
  13. Oh he will. Another good choice for BMT. Will stay with the program for awhile. Hope for some success from Ole Jeff. Congrats
  14. miss direction , play action. slip the TE in the flats. TOUCHDOWN ;D ;D
  15. Prayer is a form of communication with whom ever your God is. It's meant for you and him, no one else. You can pray to God just standing at work. I pray while I'm working. That's what he tells you to do. Go to your private place and pray. When people pray in groups it should be when everyone is on the same accord. If anyone is offended it should not be resumed. God wants no one to be offended. He was totally aware of this mess from the beginning. This country in prints "In God we trust" on all of it's currency. The acknowledgment of God has been from the beginning. He'll be God re guardless. The coach could just close his eyes as the team prays, same thing. God will acknowledge him. GOD BLESS
  16. To use the word great makes this topic a hard one to answer. This area has seen some pretty good ones. But really not many greats. We've had a few though. Chip Ambres was probably our last great QB from this area,that I've seen, IMO. Even Brandon wasn't in my mind a great HS QB. He was a good one. We'll see what our new crop can do next season. The title of greatness is a hard one to hold for a young kid.
  17. there's a Coworker of mine that is very religious. She doesn't hesitate to say," I'm blessed and heavily favored". Well, she once said this to one of my employers clients. The client was for some reason, offended. She reported the incident to my employer. My employer in response warned the employee to leave God out of the work place. I was stunned. This is just and example of our society lashing out at religious beliefs and acts. They feel its bad for business ??? ???
  18. Too early for anyone to predict. A hole summer for the kids to prepair. See who wants it the most next season. Go Jags
  19. This is a real stinker. It kinda remind me of the issue when the young female basketball player turned her back during the national anthem. The courts ruled in her favor. Human rights is and should be human rights. Even better, Constitutional rights. This hole issues seems like control to me, censored. I thought this was America, not Cuba. :
  20. You must be high. A. Lou was 0-fer against Ned and PN-G. Brooks had the best winning percentage @Ozen so far. He (Brooks) couldn't handle the pressure to win and thus left for perceived greener pastures... I stand corrected, Brooks percentage was better. 8)
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