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Everything posted by BigWolf10

  1. I wonder what the attendance will be?
  2. They'd be making a big mistake if they don't keep him there
  3. Frog will have his breakout game Friday ;D
  4. Yea this one is brewing. It's been on collision course all season. I've been watching both teams close. IMO the best matchup this year. Both teams dominance of their oppositions are similar. Gonna be a good one
  5. Central 22 / Dayton 21 and I usually don't predict scores
  6. All I can say is it will be a good game, either way.
  7. Sorry you feel that way shorttexas. Yea I'm dissapointed also. We've got athletes that I think can help the team, and in some instances i feel we simply are not utilizing them correctly. I'm not the coach, and I'm not going to be too critical on him and his staff, but I just feel how I feel. I'm a Central fan for life. I'll back them for life. When my son play in the Enoch Dixon era, I felt the same way. We didn't utilize our talent correctly. Hey I'm serious I need a break from all that screaming I be doing. I want to see my Jags do well so bad. It's frustrating to me. I see our potential. Hey I'm still Jag proof, but I'm also honest. Luv my Jags to death and will be burning up my cell battery checking up on them this Friday. But, my health is going to be alot better seeing two other power houses beat up on each other for a change.
  8. Race is always applied to a situation, when it's negative media. Chad, Micheal, Larry ect.... Need to take responsibility for there actions. It's ironic when these headlines come out, it's Black players playing star rolls. They do need to grow up. I'm black and this is how I feel. You are making all that money and for what are you complaining. Both coaches have been successful. Who's really to say they are the problems. They can only coach not play the game. They can't live the lives of these players. This problem also exsist in other proffesional sports. Koby is a whiner. I think the journalist is just calling it how he see it, and I am in agreement.
  9. It's Buna EC then everybody else, this year.
  10. It's still open. Not wide open but open. Alot of things can happen, not likely but can. We'll see in these last weeks. Should be interesting
  11. Whoa MikeEast, still got Faith in my Jags? We'll see. ;D
  12. Our defense is unpredictable. But our offense is almost nonexisting, I'm sorry but it's true. Maybe the change we made this week will help us win a borne burner. ;D ;D ;D
  13. Me too, but I just can't stand watching us this year. It's bad for the health. All that screaming is taking a toll on my throat. I'm taking a break this week, going see EC and Buna. Play well Jags,please!!!!!!!!
  14. I'm rubbing my hands together for this one. I can't wait. This is one Jag that won't be at my Jags and Dayton matchup. But, I'll be in touch with a friend. He'll be giving me a play by play. This game I been waiting for. I love good matchups. this is the best this year. Good luck to both teams.
  15. Naw just losing Brandon's changed us. Not, to metion the other seniors of last year. We're not very good. We've got the talent to run the board, But.
  16. Man that sound familiar ;D
  17. I'll be there, been waiting on this one all year. Game of the year to me.
  18. Way to survive Jags. Our heads just above water, but we still hea ;D
  19. whoa, Them injuns :-X
  20. you hit it on tha head
  21. Does LC recruit? ;D
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