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Everything posted by BigWolf10

  1. you got a crystal ball? ;D
  2. Man you sound like you've got a crystal ball or something,lol. Hope it's malfunctioning. ;D
  3. As if things couldn't get worse. Injuries can break you as a team. Get well kids.
  4. good footage. Littlest man on the team. But he plays just as bigger as any one on the field. Go LM
  5. Naw, Lamar Staduim's surface drains better than babe's. And a whole day of sunshine will make it even better.
  6. Oh weather report is good for Friday, sunny.
  7. Again, like last week the weather will be a factor.
  8. The better team does not always win the game. ;D
  9. Wait a minute, let me see. Same thing right? ???
  10. Just do like I do every year. Don't believe tha Hype
  11. Don't Know if my Central family will ever enjoy A coach for no more than 4 or 5 years. And it does take a toll on a program. Yall are so lucky to have had these dedicated men in yalls programs that long. That's rare in Bmt.
  12. Oh yea!! I love for my team to to play in week 11 too. ;D
  13. Something fishy going on here huh? ??? ;D
  14. Wow where's this game going to be played. I'm getting fired up just reading these post!
  15. I hate bye weeks. But it gives me an chance to see other locals play. But I still can't stand bye weeks.
  16. Now the 4a school District Champs actually will have a since of accomplishment other tan playing a weak schedule in the playoffs. I like it. Though I do have mixed feeling about the bye week. I'd want my team playing. It could hurt your team. The team you play the next week is coming off a win. That translates momentum. your team will have to establish itself after that bye week. I have mixed feelings. But then again its good if you have injured players that need that week of healing.
  17. I normally don't predict, but this is a no brainer. It's for LCM to prove me wrong.
  18. If they are it is shameful AND SHOULD BE CORRECTED. I don't know the reason for that. If it's true, then it should be brought up by opposing teams. Their people someone. Babe Stadium for one does not belong to BISD. The school district is leasing it. It belongs to the city of Beaumont. But even at that, that is a correctable problem that should be dealt with.
  19. Where is Duhon that great reciever from TJ?
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