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Everything posted by bballfan07

  1. oh no!
  2. ...so far! it's not district yet! 21-3A is a pretty tough!!
  3. Haha, this thread cracks me up!
  4. I'm sure they still don't want this kind of talk on these message boards, either! Anyways, I thought it was a great game. Tremain is a beast!! --but HJ is just too deep! Congrats on the win, HJ!
  5. Ha, well congratulations on making it one closer to your goal! Get 'em HJ!
  6. Ha, I love how everyone else thinks that Donahoe was the ONLY winning factor on HJ's squad last year! Don't get me wrong, he was a big part of it, but there is no way that he could have done that without the help of: Burrell, Benard, Ricossa, Sundgren, Payne, Weldon-- who, by the way, are STILL on the team this year! These guys are back-- WITH State Championship experience-- and READY to play! [i think this was proven by playing TCH and LCM!]
  7. Ha, I just love Coach Sutherland! --Way to go, HAWKS! *see ya tomorrow at the game!*
  8. but let's hope not!!--for both teams!!
  9. I'm sure that EVERYONE has watched an upset game before! Anything can happen on ANY given night/game if a team is not careful! Now, I love my Hawks, but noone should count their money before the game is over--even them! However, I think the Hawks definitely have the potential, skill, and athleticism to make it Back2Back. --and I am looking forward to it, too!
  10. 65-55!! Those TCH boys are very good and very athletic! #5 has a great shot!! Both teams played a very clean game. Hawks: Jarvis Benard--great shooter, great penetrator. Colby Sundgren-- hit two key 3's that set the Hawks rolling again, great post. Josh Payne-- <b>great</b> defense. Trey Burrell- great defense, great penetrator. He scared me for a min., I thought he hurt his knee. Jacoby Turner-- he's only a sophomore and already great under pressure, great shooter. [[ALL of you did great, Hawks]] MVP--Jarvis Benard. All tournament-- Trey Burrell. Congratulations, Hawks--let's make it Back2Back!! I'm sorry for whoever missed the game!!
  11. Does anyone have any stats for this game?? HJ and LCM!
  12. Does anyone have a bracket with times that you could post?? Thanks!
  13. Oh boy.. now do we get to hear excuses how this happend? : --btw.. how DID this happen!? Come on now Kountze! I know you've got more in ya' than this!
  14. No way.. I thought they were slacking last night But seriously.
  15. I don't understand why, Kountze, you are getting so upset about this loss? --Your main argument is that one of your main men had a bad game... HJ didn't have one of their main men [trey Burrell] Whatever happend to gracious losers? --Why can't you just take the loss, [it doesn't go against your record], learn from it, and move on? :
  16. Starts at 4:00pm!! I can't wait!! H-J by 7
  17. --Looks like a repeat of last year. Come on HJ!! At least get on the board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Haha, I couldn't agree more. YEAH RIGHT H-F! Sorry, but it's just not happening!
  19. Yeah, so what H-J, you won state... it's not like that is a big deal or anything : Get over YOURSELF. H-J won, give them credit.. Silsbee didn't even get there.
  20. Oh, and we should trust you because? Oh that's right, you have inside information... or, what? Coach has already started running those boys.. they'll be in shape.
  21. I cannot WAIT for this series to unravel. I get excited just thinking about it!!
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