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Everything posted by crush16

  1. Don't forget to come out today
  2. Orange Crush Adkins 10u tryouts Monday, August 8th @ 6:30pm Location is@  the LCM Highschool Softball Field, All positions open, looking for pittchers too.Contact Spencer Fuss for more info. (409)988-9555
  3. ;D dont forget to comeon out this monday Rain or shine
  4. Orange Crush 8u will be moveing up to 10u in the fall, looking for a pitcher with a 01-02 birthday, we will also have open practices soon (dates to be announced) any questions call Spencer Fuss @ 409-988-9555  Open Practice Dates are July 25 @ 6:30pm and August 1 @ 6:30pm at LCM Highschool Softball Field
  5. Orange Crush has a 8u team, we play on the weekends @ tournaments
  6. right now we are having open practices sundays at 2pm at the crush fields untill further notice
  7. for now we are having open practices for everyone who is intrested in the team, they are Sundays @ 2pm at the Crush fields. This Sunday 3/6 we will not practice because of spring break)
  8. TTT ;D
  9. Another tryout date Sunday February 20th @ 2pm at the fields
  10. Dont forget to come on out this sunday!!
  11. we will only look at a couple more girls, contact us if you would like to tryout
  12. Second round of tryouts scheduled for Sunday Feb. 13 @ 2pm at the crush fields. Call Alyssa DeRamus (409) 920-5137 or Spencer Fuss (409) 988-9555 for more info.
  13. Rember to come on out this weekend !!
  14. come on we have 2 spots open right now
  15. UPDATE Tryouts scheduled for January 29th @ 2pm at the Crush fields
  16. Orange Crush 8u is looking for a couple more players to add to our team. Will be having open practicesfor girls to come. Contact Spencer Fuss (409)988-9555 for details.
  17. ok everyone due to the rain we will have to reschedule tryouts, I will post a new date soon.  UPDATED ABOVE  ^^^^^
  18. ;) Just a reminder to come on out !!
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