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Everything posted by Agcat

  1. On the 17th, Friday, the crowd from the 4-7 game overlapped with the 8-11 game, causing confusion inside and outside resulting in lots of unhappy fans, including my 85 yr. old mother 'cause of nonexistant handicap parking and understaffed attendants, who kept saying," If this were a cowboy game...." as my pappy said, " if a frog had wings..." Oh, what a wonderful and delightful Coach and Team from Pearland, (2 words not associated with football often).
  2. J. Gray is in a class by himself. LaMark had some athletes(speed?), Aledo has some good football TEAM players. LM would be a great 3A team. 5 turnovers is sloppy ball, just proud to be a Bearcat fan for 18 yrs, shoot... the Cowboys could learn somethin from the Cats!
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