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  1. Thanks especially Woden, Frankston
  2. We got distracted by all of the UT scouts.  Playing on House money, but we shoulda won that one. 
  3. Forgive my semantics.  Basically you have some excellent teams in your area that you cover well.  Although we are on the fringes of your coverage we play many of your teams, some losses some wins.  Just trying to get our name in the conversation. 
  4. Thanks for the acknowledgement,  I suppose we re not a secret anymore!!
  5. Trinity (2-1) East Chambers  66-62  W Big Sandy  64-53  W Goodrich  60-71  L Dirty Dozen Team we have played  3 / 2 = .6666666  x  100  =  67%
  6. Dont worry AAW we're not coming in your ball yard till its time.  We were just stating that we are in between areas and dont ask for but earn our respect.  Thats why its called a forum and not the Bible, because we all have to discuss these issues.
  7. I apologize we only defeated .666% of them.  Along with #4 Crockett , ranked Hitchcock at the time, #12 Grapeland 1A 1. Goodrich and Splendora did edge us out in the second week of the season.  Guys we just knock them down lower so you can move up a little.
  8. Touche, you are up on your facts.  If you were at the Coldsprings game then you know the circumstances.  No disrespect but Ill come up with somethin later!!
  9. We have a superb Coach and we are proud of him.  AAW we will explain the Lovelady game after the season.  Huntington as well as Splendora beat us no excuses.  The facts are we were 2 weeks out of football.  No disrespect to those teams. 
  10. Pardon me. I was speaking for the northern most team.  We hit Hitchock pretty hard, Grapeland left although I admit they are not in your "AREA".  Scared Coldsprings.  Look we are not asking for anything we dont deserve but in this part of Texas please do not demean our teams by calling them "guts"  and I looked for every type of typo imaginable before rebutting. 
  11. UT,  sorry about your claps but what team are you for.  Trinity and New Waverly has beat most of your Dirty Dozen, just curious.
  12. Trinity # 16 in State.  vs #15 New Waverly Friday.  Pretty good guts!
  13. Thanks AAW.  I know 23 2a is not in your area , but we are all so close I was wondering the comparison. We play many of the teams in preseason and are in the same playoff brackett, so it is interesting to compare.
  14. just asking opinions on which 2a district you think is tougher 23 2a or 22 2a  20  2a?
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