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Everything posted by robanadana

  1. To incenuate that is to say Jeff Mathews and his coaches teach dirty football and that infuriates me. Why can't you win with dignity instead of crying about everything like spoiled children?
  2. *Mod edit * - do not make unsubstantiated accusations
  3. I think Jeff will keep the Pirates competitive in the future...he knows how to develop football players. Our program has turned the corner and I do see us in the same status as Nederland. The only reason there is a "rivalry" is because we have so much respect for your program and want to emulate it. Now, Nederland needs to heal up and clean Livingston's clock.
  4. [quote name="PhatMack19" post="1285826" timestamp="1348893008"] [quote author=mytwocents link=topic=103864.msg1285812#msg1285812 date=1348892759] [quote author=bulldawg64 link=topic=103864.msg1285798#msg1285798 date=1348892579] after tonight at the boneyard there sure will be some soreness tomorrow what a slugfest it was [/quote] Amen to that. Whats the look for who's going d1 and d2? I see the 4 playoff teams as ned vidor ozen and livingston in order. Who would go where? [/quote] Nederland  (1478.5) Vidor (1398) Ozen (1264) Livingston (1143) Vidor has the 4th biggest enrollment in the district.  If PN-G & Central miss the playoffs then Vidor goes D1. [/quote] Doesn't really matter to me which way we go...we just need to play our game and get into the playoffs. I'm still not counting the Indians out by any means. I wouldn't give them the props before the game, but Ned is one of the elite teams in the state this year with the best team I can ever remember them having. I'm not gonna hang my head about the loss tonight one iota and neither should our kids. Given all the controversy we've had in the last week as a team and not really knowing how good we were compared to who we have been playing, I am extremely proud of my Pirates. Whale of a game. Nederland at home will beat Livingston by 3 touchdowns...and yes Buddy Garrity, I will take that bet.
  5. [quote name="bulldawg64" post="1285798" timestamp="1348892579"] after tonight at the boneyard there sure will be some soreness tomorrow what a slugfest it was [/quote] I still think both teams are the elite of 20-4A this year. Defense wins championships and those were two good defenses on the field tonight. Y'all should've beaten Angleton two weeks ago and they are #3 in the state. Livingston better learn to play defense or it will be a long night for them against the Dogs...
  6. [quote name="NDOMAKONG" post="1285788" timestamp="1348892400"] Nederland is going to be banged the heck up after that slugfest, going to be a tough one against livingston. [/quote] I think both teams are gonna be banged up after that game.
  7. [quote name="Mr. Buddy Garrity" post="1285769" timestamp="1348892148"] [quote author=PhatMack19 link=topic=103864.msg1285754#msg1285754 date=1348891924] Vidor @ Ozen next week will be huge! [/quote]not so fast my friend, Livingston might get NED  ;) [/quote] Where is the game being played? If it's in Nederland, they don't stand a chance. I don't think they stand a chance anyway.
  8. Good luck to the Nederland Bulldogs from here out. Great game!!! I have no voice and I'm still sweating from jumping around in the stands.
  9. That crow shouldn't taste too bad. We needed to play mistake free to beat this team tonight and we didn't however we did prove we can play with anyone. It could have gone either way, IMO. One shoestring tackle stopped Montana from scoring on the first play from scrimmage at the five. nederville owned the 3rd but we owned the 4th and I sure hope I don't start hearing that "we need to throw the ball more" junk. We do that by wearing the other team down, period. We set ourselves up to win that game in the fourth quarter but lost a lot of time on the scoring drive when we got inside the five along with a timeout on coaching error / not getting the plays in. Regroup, get our heads straight, and get ready to play a tough Ozen team. BTW, I liked the tenacity of our defense and team in general...those kids don't give up. Can't take anything away from Nederland, they are a fine football team.
  10. Great game all around but I disagree with some of y'all. Mistakes on our part cost us dearly, especially some of the offsides calls on the defense. Gave nederville a couple of first downs when we had them stopped.Great shoestring tackle by the nederville defender keeping Montana out of the endzone on the first drive and good defensive stand at the five.  It was a good back and forth football game that could have gone either way. Not having Justin Moore hurt as well; we could have used that tenacity and yardage at fullback. nederville has a good team but so do we. Congratulations to them on the win in an extremely hard fought game....they were the better team tonight.
  11. Not having Justin is hurting us a little. We're gonna break a couple in the second half. Good football game.
  12. [quote name="GCMPats" post="1283970" timestamp="1348836978"] Ok. I'll add another thread dedicated to this game. I hope that after tonight we can talk about someting else on here for a while. Ned wins 38-34. [/quote] GCM just needs to stay on their side of the Trinity or they'll take another whuppin' from 20-4A. Get your own rivalry.
  13. [quote name="Mr. Buddy Garrity" post="1284446" timestamp="1348868169"] I hope the rain holds off, i can only imagine the excuses we would see by a certain fan-base if they lose in the rain.  ;D [/quote] OK, I'll bite. I guess running the football is really affected by the rain? I hope it floods...we'll see who's whimpering then...Vidor +10.
  14. Go through BC. The Neches River bridge is gonna be messed up for the next 10 years...they've started building the new one.
  15. All's I'm sayin' is you start the threads, complain about there being too many and then answer yourself...well, something's up with that. BTW, I've argued with several mods before...sometimes they deserve it...all in good fun. I'm a target rich environment myself...
  16. He either starts them or has posted more than anyone else. What do y'all think? Vote your gut feeling...don't sugar coat it.
  17. [quote name="NDNation" post="1284169" timestamp="1348847279"] Nederland is cheating on us...they went and got their selves another rivalry ;) [/quote] LOL ;D
  18. [quote name="BigDog007" post="1283497" timestamp="1348778305"] Rob we can have one heck of a tail gate in your front yard and drive way. [/quote] My wife would stop it dead in its' tracks.....I one of the few who admits I don't run that end of the business.
  19. [quote name="BigDog007" post="1283485" timestamp="1348777891"] Gotta feeling after tomorrow night they will both be black and blue cause the bruises will be showing through for the rest of the season [/quote] Nope. Both sides have "karate men" on them and they bruise on the inside not to show their weaknesses.
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