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Everything posted by robanadana

  1. [quote name="griff" post="1272383" timestamp="1347721476"] [quote author=Blackbuc link=topic=103180.msg1272329#msg1272329 date=1347718433] [quote author=22pop link=topic=103180.msg1272229#msg1272229 date=1347696876] Didnt WOS have a hard time with Vidor already this year? [/quote] they did,i don't know how they are so quick to forget...vidor drove the fields twice for 2 touchdowns on that number 1  D,  they scored a 80 yard touchdown off of a screen on vidor. i will say this they are fast and physical but vidor's defense is better [/quote] Vidor fans on this board are this year's L-Train.  Vidor is good, but some of you made way too much out of the scrimmage with WO-S.  It was a SCRIMMAGE.  A few of your fans are trying to create a "win" out of this practice.  Nothing about that practice is parallel to a real game.  No game planning by coaches, lots of extra substituting, trying out players at different positions, JV players being used, no turnovers can be returned for TDs (in which WO-S had one nullified), a starting tailback and our best OL not playing...yeah, I'd like to see what it would be like in a REAL game.  If both teams could play at full strength with a week of coaches preparations, THEN we would see who would win.  But since it ain't gonna happen, dream on about your "win."  I'm more interested to see if you can 1) beat Nederland, 2) win a district title outright, and 3) play some consistent defense for an entire regular season and into the playoffs.  You've had ONE notorius year, but it takes a lot more than that to gain the respect you're demanding.  You're not there yet. [/quote] O'boy, here's another football rocket scientist popping up. FYI genius, we've been pretty good since '08 and this will be our 3rd time to make the playoffs. Lumberton had one exceptional group of kids. During the course of that time, WOS has failed to beat us in any scrimmage, I know because I've to all of them. We're free this Friday, I really wish we could play the game and shut your pipsqueak school up. To quote Aerosmith,"Dream On".
  2. [quote name="MWhizzie000" post="1272190" timestamp="1347691009"] [/quote] I'm goin' out to shoot a couple of possums and gig some frogs for the concession stand, you know, Booster club stuff. [/quote] that statement alone is making me pull for nederland smh [/quote] Awe c'mon man! You ain't lived until you've had possum fritters, barbequed racoon or frog legs on a stick. Might even shoot a swamp bunny fricassie! Wash it down with some cold power water...what's for supper Grandpa???
  3. I know two other 5A teams in this area we could beat, PAM and WB. Then it wouldn't be so rare.
  4. Congrats to the Broncos...looking forward to seeing the rematch against you in the playoffs.
  5. [quote name="PhatMack19" post="1272162" timestamp="1347690160"] [quote author=dustoff03 link=topic=103187.msg1272161#msg1272161 date=1347690077] [quote author=PhatMack19 link=topic=103187.msg1272112#msg1272112 date=1347688455] I vote we skip the bye week and play this one next Friday!!  It's going to be a [b]LONG[/b] 2 weeks on this thread.  :D [/quote] you may want to rethink that statement. sounds like yall need some time to heal. hope none of the injuries were serious. [/quote] Yeah I know, but I'm impatient.  I guess I need to find something else to do next Friday night.  :D [/quote] I'm goin' out to shoot a couple of possums and gig some frogs for the concession stand, you know, Booster club stuff.
  6. Whoop!! I have to eat my words...the Orange Leader comes through!!!
  7. I wish the Vidorian had a website so we could post up links to the Pirates adventures, no one else will. I'll just keep throwin' up my "V"sss.
  8. [quote name="Mr. Buddy Garrity" post="1272153" timestamp="1347689738"] [quote author=Big Ford link=topic=103084.msg1272149#msg1272149 date=1347689591] [quote author=Mr. Buddy Garrity link=topic=103084.msg1272142#msg1272142 date=1347689236] If Suggs was the HC Central would be undefeated, yeah I said it.  ;) [/quote] Suggs or Stowers is better then the crap we got going on now...and they were outsiders that did it their way and were succesful.  Thats what the insiders didn't like... [/quote]Now you see why ppl were mad when Suggs went away from PA when he did.  ;) [/quote] This was the same stuff we went through in the 80's and 90's...insiders who care about themselves more than the team. We nearly lost Jeff over that. Now the man is paying dividends. When you find that coach that has the philosophy that everyone can buy into and support and he cares about the kids and community, he will pay big dividends in the long run. However, you have to stick with him through the lean years. I think Central needs a good young coach with the commitment from the school to stick with him a minimum of six years.
  9. [quote name="Mr. Happy" post="1272082" timestamp="1347687141"] [quote author=robanadana link=topic=103184.msg1272065#msg1272065 date=1347686544] [quote author=Mr. Happy link=topic=103184.msg1272050#msg1272050 date=1347686034] I'll go ahead and bite and be the first to put it on this thread: Vidor played a soft pre-district schedule.  With that said, you beat who you played and Vidor will make the playoffs.  But, Nederland will win in two weeks and probably by at least 10 points. [/quote] You know, I try to do the math and see who Nederville added that makes them so much better than us from last year...y'all beat us on a fourth and 18 in your stadium. This year, it's in Vidor where the last time you played there, you lost. Hmmm. I really would like that 10 points in a wager...any takers??? I'm easy to find. [/quote] I think Nederland is better offensively than they were last year and the strength of Nederland's defense (the D-line) has the potential to disrupt what Vidor does well offensively (run the ball).  Plus, I'll give the coaching edge to Nederland. I'd be willing to bet a Jody Leigh's buffet on it. [/quote] If you're giving that same 10 points, I'm in.
  10. [quote name="outanup" post="1272077" timestamp="1347686916"] [quote author=robanadana link=topic=103184.msg1272065#msg1272065 date=1347686544] [quote author=Mr. Happy link=topic=103184.msg1272050#msg1272050 date=1347686034] I'll go ahead and bite and be the first to put it on this thread: Vidor played a soft pre-district schedule.  With that said, you beat who you played and Vidor will make the playoffs.  But, Nederland will win in two weeks and probably by at least 10 points. [/quote] You know, I try to do the math and see who Nederville added that makes them so much better than us from last year...y'all beat us on a fourth and 18 in your stadium. This year, it's in Vidor where the last time you played there, you lost. Hmmm. I really would like that 10 points in a wager...any takers??? I'm easy to find. [/quote]Who are you trying to convince....Yourself? [/quote] Not trying to convince anyone, just answering a post. Simple math and I'm just trying to make it simpler for some folks. Not everyone has a quality education from Vidor High School.
  11. [quote name="Big Ford" post="1272132" timestamp="1347689075"] [quote author=D3zii link=topic=103084.msg1271967#msg1271967 date=1347683952] [quote author=SFA85 link=topic=103084.msg1271699#msg1271699 date=1347679039] Central does well when the QB can't throw.  Mitchell hasn't improved over the 3 years and neither has the play calling.  Defense was outstanding considering the short fields they had to defend.  Put Mitchell in the secondary and switch back to the wishbone is the only way Central can win consistantly [/quote] Hmm not to say your wrong, but look at the talent Mitchell had his Fresh and Soph year. He had at the very least, 3 good recivers and 2 good backs to get the ball to and take the pressure off him. He was surronded by playmakers. Last season and seems the same this season, he doesnt really have alot of players around him which is rare for a central team. Ive seen the kid play ball and throw. He has all the mechanics to be a great one. Just no one to get the ball to. [/quote] SFA85, you are so correct.  I said a couple of years ago when they were trying to play sissy ball (spread) that they should just play Vidor's style of offense.  Yes I said that seriously.  We line up with 2 and 4 receivers but every body knows that our passing isn't a serious threat.  If we do have a QB that can accurately get the receivers the ball, they can't catch it. I've watched this kid since he first stepped in his freshman year in a playoff game in Baytown.  I was like man he is going to be special.  Well he hasn't failed us, the coaching staff at Central has failed him and us.  They have not progressed with his development at all.  I bet if he had been a Bruin or Panther, he would probably have some decent scholarship offers.  Stump worked wonders with what he had and Nelson seems to be doing fine too.  Not us.  We have another special QB in the pipeline, I guess we'll just waste him away too... Central has more athletes then the other 2 schools in Beaumont hands down in my opinion.  But due to coaching, they don't utilize and progress with them in the correct manner.  If Central fails to make the playoffs for 2 years in a row, it SHOULD be time for a change at the top with NO holdovers.  And stop hiring these guys from here, they are too budy budy with the players.  Instead of being like Suggs and Stowers, there to coach football, not make friends.  That's the real reason we had playoff runs back then... [/quote] pssst Big Ford. Tell him to transfer to Vidor and play for Jeff.
  12. What, is there still not a rivalry here? Black and Gold Bowl is ON!!! Vidor 31 nederville 21
  13. [quote name="Mr. Buddy Garrity" post="1272120" timestamp="1347688720"] NED! last time i checked Vidor didnt come this close in beating Angleton. lol [/quote] Angleton lost their bigtime running back from last year, Mr. Garrity to UH. I suppose that may have a little to do with it. Again, I'm taking the Vidor +10 points some other fool offered me in another thread. I'll be @ Hamburger Depot next Tuesday talking up my Powerhouse Pirates!
  14. There will be plenty of Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth from the south side of the Boneyard in two weeks. Ain't it cool! I think we sent them 100 tickets.
  15. [size=24pt]THE VIDOR PIRATES, OF COURSE!!!![/size] And yes WOSchadGrad, I'm yellin' it!!!
  16. [quote name="BigRed42" post="1272098" timestamp="1347688038"] If I had a vote, it'd go to either WOS or PAM. [/quote] Of course you would expect this from a nederville fan...keep barking chihuahuas....
  17. [quote name="Mr. Happy" post="1272050" timestamp="1347686034"] I'll go ahead and bite and be the first to put it on this thread: Vidor played a soft pre-district schedule.  With that said, you beat who you played and Vidor will make the playoffs.  But, Nederland will win in two weeks and probably by at least 10 points. [/quote] You know, I try to do the math and see who Nederville added that makes them so much better than us from last year...y'all beat us on a fourth and 18 in your stadium. This year, it's in Vidor where the last time you played there, you lost. Hmmm. I really would like that 10 points in a wager...any takers??? I'm easy to find.
  18. [quote name="Mr. Buddy Garrity" post="1272039" timestamp="1347685721"] Vidor > LaPorte ?? [/quote] Yep, Vidor > LaPorte. I honestly believe we could beat them. This a better team than last year's with depth. The CB game was not close. When they scored, we came right back and answered. If we don't sub on defense, they only get 7 for the game.
  19. [quote name="liltex" post="1272030" timestamp="1347685385"] Of all the wins for Coach Matthews/staff & the Vidor Pirates this ranks SWEET 8) [/quote] Your Broncos better watch out, liltex!!! We owe you one!
  20. [quote name="TITAN POWER" post="1272023" timestamp="1347685314"] Just got back from the game.  WOW is the only word I can come up with.  The Oline played fantastic tonight.  Was worried after the Bridge City game but those 5 up front were moving CB all over the place tonight.  It loks like they have gelled as a unit and with the way the D played they are ready for district.  On a side note,  I didnt think 23 was going to be able to top that run last week when he was hit in the backfield and ran through him and the safety on the way to a TD,  but tonight he put a stiff arm on one of the CB players  on the way to a TD that was something.  Great job on both sides of the ball with the oline and dline.  They showed tonight what kind of a team they will be this year. [/quote] I think Montana is faster this year as well TP, last year he gets caught on those runs. One thing about our kids, they're in shape!!!
  21. [quote name="Mr. Buddy Garrity" post="1272015" timestamp="1347685168"] [quote author=robanadana link=topic=103084.msg1272005#msg1272005 date=1347684986] My Pirates would whup both of y'all, period. [/quote]LOL stack the box if you want. we got a couple of DBs who would love to get a pick-6 this year when Montana drops back.  8)  congrats to him BTW heard he was perfect tonight with 105 yards passing [/quote] He was perfect tonight and is one tired hombre!!! Our kids played their hearts out. I think they wanted to prove a point.
  22. I guess that's what we Vidorians will hear from all the pundits MENSA members on the board now. You're gonna have to come up with a different excuse in two weeks though when we play [glow=red,2,300][size=36pt][font=verdana][b]THE DECIDER IN VIDOR!!![/b][/font][/size][/glow] This one's for you FQ!!!
  23. [quote name="Tim Riggins" post="1271942" timestamp="1347683100"] [quote author=Mr. Buddy Garrity link=topic=103153.msg1271924#msg1271924 date=1347682846] Told yall Montana is better on Offense  ;) [/quote] Just think if he didn't play defense and was fresh every offensive series. [/quote] Y'all know how much I think of Montana but tonight was a total Pirate effort. Our defensive line was murderous against CB and stayed in their backfield all night. Personally, I think Bryce Cooper had a heck of a game. Save one big play, CB had nothing in the air. Kudos to the defense tonight...they're every bit that good. Nederville better lace those shoes up tight before they come to the Boneyard....BTW, we would beat Laporte.
  24. Vidor played their best half of football this year. Jon Boy back with a vengeance. Justin Moore had a great half. Pirate defense swarming.
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