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  1. Like
    robanadana reacted to Goblin in West Orange-Stark 45 Kennedale 21/FINAL   
    A win's a win men.  That's #17 in a row.  Our all-time record is 24 from 1986-1988.  I don't see us being pushed for the next five for sure (although i'm sure Liberty will quote me on this when that smack talk begins... ) and very likely six or seven or eight so new record to aim for.
  2. Like
    robanadana reacted to jake94 in 22-5A after week 6   
    Gotta get to 4 before you can get to 5. 4 wins has you in the discussion for playoffs, but you are correct that 5 would seal it. I think there is an above average chance that fourth place is 4-4. Agree or disagree?
  3. Like
    robanadana reacted to pakronos in 22-5A after week 6   
    So far, we pretty much know the fate of Nederland. As much as I can't stand them, I feel bad and kinda empty about the brake beating last night. It's gonna be full of excuses in the future of why they lost. Wish they were healthy then the beating would have been better. It kinda sucks not to see them in the playoffs...then again bragging on making the playoffs and winning DC makes them staying home sweeter.
    Well I said it last week that central is about to go on a run with possibly upsetting png and making the playoffs. They will beat the dogs in a close contest. 
    Otherwise, the top teams did what they were suppose to do. Next week, we have two big games in the district. Png vs vidor and central vs nederland. One to position for DC rights....the other a playoff game atmosphere...
  4. Like
    robanadana got a reaction from TxHoops in Hey MC...   
    I am preparing my BEST pump up thread for my football team to date just for the purple Indians.
  5. Like
    robanadana got a reaction from TxHoops in Vidor @PNG   
    The bear only did what countless thousands of fans have wanted to do in the past. Never run from a bear.
  6. Like
    robanadana got a reaction from JollyRoger81 in Vidor @PNG   
    The bear only did what countless thousands of fans have wanted to do in the past. Never run from a bear.
  7. Like
    robanadana got a reaction from mytwocents-28 in Hey MC...   
    I am preparing my BEST pump up thread for my football team to date just for the purple Indians.
  8. Like
    robanadana got a reaction from L-Train11 in Hey MC...   
    You know, all you pundits keep rating us by that first game against Barbie's Hill (who we might be playing again after last night). I hope y'all keep doing that. 
  9. Like
    robanadana got a reaction from pakronos in Beaumont Central @ Nederland   
    Playoff game for both teams.....
  10. Like
    robanadana got a reaction from mytwocents-28 in Vidor @PNG   
    The bear only did what countless thousands of fans have wanted to do in the past. Never run from a bear.
  11. Like
    robanadana got a reaction from CLW321 in Vidor @PNG   
    This thread will be out to 20 pages by Monday, that's what I think.
  12. Like
    robanadana got a reaction from L-Train11 in Hey MC...   
    I would prepare for my last game in the Boneyard were I you pakronos. 
  13. Like
    robanadana reacted to WOSgrad in Who can beat Vidor?   
    Then allow me.  This site does have rules.  Admittedly those rules had been relaxed, but as it appears that advantage has been taken of such relaxation, we might have to go hardcore.  "White sheets" and language from others that I have been forced to edit out is simply not permissible.  It's use caused me to have to rip moderator status of a guy that I have known for over 10 years and consider a good friend, so please don't underestimate what I will do to another member.
    And don't think that just because I am posting this reply to one of Stattrax's post that he is the only one who has posted here who needs to worry about action being taken.
    And a couple of more things, as staff members, all language in any post is the business of all staff and any one who likes to challenge me to action usually get what they ask for quicker than they like.
  14. Like
    robanadana got a reaction from L-Train11 in Vidor 45 Lumberton 22/FINAL   
    Curelove, Tim Riggins and the rest of you Pirate faithful i'm gonna warn you...the purple indians are really gonna be nasty this week on the board. They're scared, get ready for the put downs. MCM is gonna be meaningless this year. Wah, Wah, Wah....
  15. Like
    robanadana reacted to Bigdog in Port Arthur Memorial 42 Nederland 12/FINAL   
  16. Like
    robanadana reacted to Curelover32 in Vidor 45 Lumberton 22/FINAL   
    I had picked it 
    Vidor 42
    Lumberton 13
    With Vidor having 28 at halftime.  Not to shabby.
  17. Like
    robanadana reacted to Bigdog in Vidor 45 Lumberton 22/FINAL   
    Nothings official this early in the season.  The last spot will probably come down the last week of the season as usual.
  18. Like
    robanadana got a reaction from prepballfan in PNG @ Lee   
    Actually, we dock at Port Neches Park with the Black Pearl. Nothing to see this week for y'all...Lee doesn't score. A lot of the PNG fans I work with are coming to the Vidor / Lumberton game. Get there early (Boneyard) if you wanna see that.
  19. Like
    robanadana reacted to fox in Lumberton at Vidor predictions...   
    you do you when they talk about clinton on AM radio it is not BILL it is his wife.  
  20. Like
    robanadana got a reaction from Raider24 in Lumberton at Vidor predictions...   
    Nope...radio hasn't been invented in Vidor and Lumberton yet. Only Mid County when they have their madness.
  21. Like
    robanadana reacted to WOSgrad in Nederland forfeits win to livingston   
    Guys, if I read the articles and the tweets correctly, the act of "self reporting" has not occurred yet, but will happen on Wednesday when they report the UIL's ruling on Laday's eligibility to the 22-5A DEC. 
    While it may matter to some for their own reasons, for the purposes of this meeting, it does not.  If it matters to Nederland ISD, they'll look into it further.  But to continue into speculation as to what Neumann did and did not do is getting no one anywhere.
    So I guess given the track this thread is taking, it is time to close it.
  22. Like
    robanadana reacted to BMTSoulja1 in Nederland forfeits win to livingston   
    So true...  Everything said here...
  23. Like
    robanadana got a reaction from PNGFan in 1978 Vidor Pirates   
    Since you knot head Pirate football players love to break 35 year+ records, here's one for ya':
    The last time we won district. You want a battle cry, there it is. 38 years ago. It starts tonight.
    Vidor 35 - Lametrain 21....Leave that *&&%$ Train Whistle at home!
    Roasted Raider...you can't eat it but the doggies can!
  24. Like
    robanadana reacted to BMTSoulja1 in Nederland forfeits win to livingston   
    ... It had your i's been dotted and your t's been crossed, even if there is an investigation, you'd be sure that you did everything right.  You'd already know that the uil investigation wouldn't turn up anything, BD...
  25. Like
    robanadana reacted to BMTSoulja1 in Nederland forfeits win to livingston   
    The Crosby fan 14.2 made a comment about of the Nederland coach wasn't worried about his eligibility, then why sit the kid out after the Livingston game?
    Maybe it was implied that he already knew this kid wasn't eligible from jumpstreet?
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