Now there is where I will have to say something my friend lol The part about me not havng interest in that team is no where close to true. I had 7 teams in my organization last year, and only one of them had anyone I was related to and that was the 5th grade team that I did not coach. I had 70 kids in my organization and was related to 1 and he is no longer in the organization. I care about every single one of those 70 kids...Including yours! I hate seing my organization dragged into this from multiple people, but I think everyone knows that I have NOTHING but respect for the Beamont coaches and kids. And BTW, I had a lot to do with forming that team and buying them all team shoes... I have a lot of respect for you as a friend and a coach, but this statement that you wrote could be taken the wrong way by some outside people. I dont think you were trying to down me, but some people might think you were..So i wanted to make sure that everyone knows that we are good.