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Everything posted by DeuceSixSuited

  1. I appreciate the respect from the WOS Sr team today! Great group of coaches.
  2. It's all good man no way was I trying to say screw you lol if I was that mad, I would call you buddy lol we are good!
  3. I try to stay out of this part of the flappin... I didn't attack you and I consider you a friend. But the chap stick comment was a bit 2 much.
  4. I can almost promise that any sport he played, he would be succesful. One of the hardest working kids I know!
  5. Ok awesome man! Just wanted to make sure bro. If y'all need anything, y'all have my # Thanks man
  6. Now there is where I will have to say something my friend lol The part about me not havng interest in that team is no where close to true. I had 7 teams in my organization last year, and only one of them had anyone I was related to and that was the 5th grade team that I did not coach. I had 70 kids in my organization and was related to 1 and he is no longer in the organization. I care about every single one of those 70 kids...Including yours! I hate seing my organization dragged into this from multiple people, but I think everyone knows that I have NOTHING but respect for the Beamont coaches and kids. And BTW, I had a lot to do with forming that team and buying them all team shoes... I have a lot of respect for you as a friend and a coach, but this statement  that you wrote could be taken the wrong way by some outside people. I dont think you were trying to down me, but some people might think you were..So i wanted to make sure that everyone knows that we are good.
  7. Kountze 27 Kirbyville 8
  8. I got your dinner for sure. No question there. But what do you mean you saved my organization from folding?
  9. Kountze @ Kirbyville Thursday
  10. The head coach gets suspended for 2 games no questions asked
  11. Actually I do get it lol I was just putting that out there.
  12. In the lonesar league, their rule is if you beat someone by 28 or more, the coach gets a 2 game suspension n questions asked... Crazy Crazy Crazy
  13. Does anyone have the score to the Bmt vs Lum W game
  14. Awesome job WOS!! Im glad yall beat them!!!!
  15. Lum B Ping W Jasper Ktz Ping P
  16. I miss ya big homie lol see you Saturday. It will be the first time My team has best Bridge City lol
  17. Wasn't saying your over 50. I was just saying!! Also, what makes you think I'm on beaumonts bandwagon? I have coached 4 of their kids in basketball. I'm a big fan of theirs because of how great the kids are. On and off the field. And I have as much respect for the coaches as any other person in my life! Great people on and off the field
  18. Ping W is a great team. Boost is phenomenal man. No question about it. I hope y'all beat jasper I really do. But I jus can't see it
  19. I forgot about that. Smh
  20. Makes sense to anyone under 50
  21. There would be 10 new accounts with people talking that noise lol
  22. True that lol
  23. Isn't jasper on your schedule?
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