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Everything posted by JohnnyT60

  1. If Texas had offered, that's where they would be. I do believe Texas made a mistake on these two though.
  2. Used to have to listen to that a lot, we contemplated on having it laminated and posted on the dugout each game. ;D BTW Pirate Good Luck!
  3. No problem, I think everyone likes to read about youngsters succeeding, no matter what level or organization.
  4. Well said! I think Cody joining BG was the hardest decsion she ever made.
  5. In each category there is a board for youth sports, here it is labeled select, but feel free to post all-star softball scores, if you like.
  6. Which of the 12 steps are you on?
  7. I'd like to LCM with a thin white outline. that would really set the letters off.
  8. Some teams do chase Gold quite a bit. My philosophy has always been that you have two tournaments to qualify, if you don't make it in them, then probably don't need to go. I would however fly to a couple of exposure tournaments. One in the NE, and one in Florida. To me the California ones are debatable because My opinion is that they are heavily attended by coaches from the NW looking specifically at Cali girls. Now there are other schools there and you can get noticed here, certainly, but your odds are better at the other tournaments. Big Daddy had a good idea, maybe this should start at the 16U level and develop from there. Maybe even younger. We are not Houston so there is not that kind of money here, so we can't copy them, only use them as a guide and use what works for us. A good percentage of the girls playing D1 ball from this area got to do what we are talking about because it was led by a strong personality. He also had the facilities and a core of great players that attracted others. What I am saying is that these girls benefited from this experience and it helped them get where they are, and I would like to see the future stars get the same opportunity.
  9. Envy??? Dream on Brother. Apparently only 3 adequate football players in the whole state, what a joke! If it was that great, I'm sure the road that brought you here will bring you back!! The Great State of Texas will survive.
  10. Trout the who is the biggest hurdle. The others can easily be handled. As far as development of players, there would be a draft every year, so that the kids that progressed would be awarded for their efforts. You would also allow exemptions for personality conflicts or for players who had a special relationship with one of the coaches of another team. This would need to be held in check as much as possible so that it didn't get out of hand or we would end right back where we are...........and money is always a concern. I know this is difficult, but we have always talked in real general terms and it never goes anywhere. I was hoping that people would input some specifics of how this might work as far as organization and process and that would spur serious consideration as a possibility.
  11. So what. I don't get your point. About 90% of the teams around the country have multiple texas players on their rosters. TU can only sign 25 per year, so where are the other 3,000 D1 caliber players gonna go? OU sounds like a good place to me! LOL Doesn't say much for ok does it? lol
  12. I hope this doesn't get out of hand, but I was just wondering what it would take to get all of the best SETX girls on one team. Is there any scenario where it could work? My thoughts are that you would first have to create an association that included all girls from the greater SETX (we will worry about boundaries later) that were interested in playing ball. The next thing is to select which team is going to be first and that team would get first draft of available girls, with the draft continuing until all girls are placed on a team. This would create the strongest possible teams while leaving no one out and making sure everyone has a place to play. The problem would be, who gets to coach the team and I guess that's the hurdle we can never get over. The impact organization is a litlle like this but more loosely organized. Over the years we have just dilluted our talent so much that it is hard to field that really great team. The Shockers did a great job of geting to Nationals, but I just feel it could happen more often if we all pulled together. Lets keep this positive, but if it gets too out of hand I will have to lock it.
  13. I think they just throw'em in a bin and they come back clean! ;D Seriously I......I mean BLT doesn't miss that part. I remember fighting for space at the hotel laundry!
  14. Remember Socialism is just a step away from communism. Probably second term.
  15. Run rule For who? And why do you think so? Why say it?
  16. My daughter never played 16U (WELL MAYBE ONE TOURNAMENT) but she ended up playing 18U after her freshman year and Gold after her soph year. Was lucky enough to land on a great team and ended up playing Gold Nationals 3 times. The odds of that are highly unlikely. At that level you will get plenty of exposure, but it is hard to get to that level. That was then. I spoke to a coach the other day that was on the staff on her last summer team (who is now coaching 16U) and I asked him how 16U compared to 18U and he told me That there are more than 4 times the number of coaches at 16U than at 18U. I think that kids are committing so early now that 16U is really important. The point is, is that both approaches work, but more importantly it matters what tournaments you play in, and Colorado is a must.
  17. Mostly in that order.
  18. I wish they would start in 5A and 4A before going to all classifications.
  19. The colors are and have always been Forest Green & Gold. The problem is no one in administration insist that these colors be adhered to. The other problem is that what Gold has never been specified, and most coaches have just used what works best with their scheme. The gold never bothered me, but how hard can it be to find Forest Green?
  20. Envious of what, you can't even form a decent football team without a lot of help from Texas? Why don't you move back? I'm sure Texas will ge by without you.
  21. Oklahoma as a state is irrelevant. :
  22. Oh Little ........................ Be nice, besides Michael liked Little League football.
  23. Pretty neat event. We played there a few years ago and played at several fields. One was in downtown Golden, another in the middle of a neighborhood, and one near the dump. All of the complexes were real nice though. SO MANY COACHES!!! The neat thing for me was watching all of the coaches waiting to talk to the girls after their team had been eliminated. If you do well there, coaches will notice.
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