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Everything posted by JohnnyT60

  1. You rarely hear " well he took that 0-10 program and brought it all the way to 5-5. But if you take that 5-5 program to 10-0, everyone is talking. The thing is, you are judged on where you finish, not how far you improved. The other thing is the program has been down for so long, a new coach will wonder why. He may believe you just can't win here, as some people on this board do. I don't believe that to be the case, but I do believe it will take a long steady effort. I don't believe parents are the problem, if that were the case there probably wouldn't be a successful program in the area. You do have to develop a winning culture and a toughness. It may take a little luck, as in getting enough of the right parts together to show some real improvement to attract even more talent to the program. Whom ever the new guy is, he will need to show real integrity, no special treatment for anyone and to hold everyone accountable. If he doesn't he will lose credibility and we will be talking about this again in 3-4 years.
  2. Not really, not really surprised either. With the record over the last ten years, it is obvious this is going to be one heck of a rebuilding project, and if you are already a HC, you can afford to wait for another opportunity.
  3. I'm sure you'd feel about the same as those El Paso parents do when they travel to Austin every year... Maybe a rotating location would work, say with Austin/SA, Houston, Dallas and someplace suitable out west. That way no 4-year athlete/family has to travel to the same place more than once. El Paso is roughly 570 miles, but there is no other venue any closer unless it was in El Paso. Amarillo is around 520 miles and they pass many venues to get there. Orange (representing the farthest to the east) is roughly 300 miles. Texarkana is 371 Brownsville is 350 Austin is as close to the center of the state as you can get and it is the State Capitol. I would hate to see them move it, but I don't think it will ever happen.
  4. Does this mean I don't have to look out for those buses on Meeks anymore? ;D JK Well I don't have a horse in this race, but I will say if the buses running late will help keep a kid off of the streets and more involved in a positive activity that will serve him well past High School years, they should keep it. It seems like the reason this is even an issue is that the bus operation is contracted. If the school operated their own buses, a coach who is probably already licensed could just take them home. Would it be worth it for the school to operate a small fleet of buses to give them flexibility in operation?
  5. I agree 100%, He was pretty tough, but kids really responded to him.
  6. Bear Fan...Why did you answer this? Anybody who doesn't know about "BOJO" is MUCH better off not knowing! ;D ;D Please just let BOJO die away quietly. ;D Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Walking the # 8 or #9 hitter.
  8. Also Lauren Parker is in for the Holidays right now. Her contact information is on the thread at the top of this forum.
  9. Give the kid a break, she is to young to be pushing her yet. She will have a ton of time for all that coaching latter. Make sure at that age that she has fun being a kid. This will be important to her future in playing softball, they must have fun when they are young. Just so you know before you form an opinion: I don't push and never will push my kids... She wants to learn to hit better, I shift work and don't really have the time,and have taught her all I can. She is moving at her own pace. However I do appreciate your insight and concern. IMO she is probably still a little young for hitting lessons, but if that's what you want to do Jeremy does a fine job at Grand Slam in Orange. You are probably helping her just fine for now, just worrying about basics. Gotta have a good foundation to build off of for later. 10 years old is about right to start hitting lessons. Never brought mine to a hitting coach, except when Verde tied to sneak in a couple of rotational lessons. BTW whatever you do and whomever you use be consistent. Nothing screws a kid up faster than everyone trying to teach them something different.
  10. I'd like to see them incorporate a little navy blue into the uniform. BTW is any football merchandise available yet, such as T-Shirts and Hats.
  11. Coop, you should seek help. ;D
  12. Good Luck and God Bless.
  13. Congrats To Coach Alvarez and all of the Wildcat Football Team and Fans. What a great year!!
  14. I can't agree with you here. There were many mistakes made. He is gone, so I don't want to beat a dead horse, but I don't believe he had a chance of turning it around.
  15. Congrats Kid!!!
  16. Congrats Kid!!!!! Good Luck and keep that back elbow up!
  17. It looks like she is in denial, I know she will be sportin some real purple soon. ;D
  18. Congrats for like the 27th time!!! ;D
  19. Probably working some 8U somewhere. The coaches are freaks, but you gotta love the kids. I will be at the first LSU tournament again this year. I should be a good one with A&M and Ohio State coming down. Do me a favor and have blt22 stand with you down past the dugout. She watches the corners way too close form behing me. BHBlue - I didn't know you knew what "corners" are! Cody just called to apologize for her mother! ;D ;D :
  20. No wonder you're so good at digging yourself a hole on the field. U working the McD tournament? Mr. Hill, Mr. Espinoza, and I will be stealing our money at SK. You finally admit it!!! ;D BTW where were you a couple of weekends ago, they had a really young crew, one of them made Justin look old!!
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