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Everything posted by JohnnyT60

  1. Ever kid should be free to make their own choice. One thing though, I have to question the motivation of the one who started this thread and the other one it refers to.
  2. Good Post. She understands what the consequences could be, but is still willing to go that route. On these decisions, you really have to follow your heart. Congrats to you and her. JT
  3. Bag, In my opinion there are a handful of tournaments that you can't afford to miss. If a player misses it could hurt the chances of another to be seen in a good light. Cody went to Colorado last year even though she was committed. Some games she sat to show off another pitcher, some games she pitched to help us be more competitive to help a teamate. The bottom line is she was willing to do whatever was necessary to help a teamate. Team is what it is about. This week we were missing a teamate and it really hurt us. If she had been there, I believe we could have tied for 9th or better. It is about choice, understanding the impact of your choice, and making your own decision.
  4. Bag, with the recent recruiting changes RM has just been elevated. You really need to check the recruiting calendar and compare it to the dates of Exposure Tournaments, to see if coaches (D1) can even attend. The NCAA has just made it harder to get your kids shown.
  5. "On any given day this fall I truly think you can just put together the multi-sport best HS athletes in the area at SB and beat the socks off the, "one-sport-only-allowed" local upstart team." Really! Well, I once knew a kid that was pretty good at three sports. Due to injury, she was forced to give up all but one, and became a lot better st the one she decided to stay. Here is the dilemma. If a kid misses all of the practices and a couple of games(because of her other sports), should she walk right in over a player who has been at ever practice. It wasn't her fault, she had other commitments. This would almost never happen at 18U, because they don't start until after HS is over. The conflict between school sports is most likely handled by the AD of that school. The kid is usually allowed lattitude because it is for the overall good of the kid and school. Club is a little different. You really can only commit to one sport, because you would do an injustice to another who was depending on you. You commitment should mean something. EastTexas your post seems to say that multisport kids would be superior. Be Careful!
  6. There is nothing wrong with playing a single sport you love are playing multi-sports in school. However if you try to play multi-sports in club, there will be conflicts, and you can't commit to both. There are just too many conflicts. Club Volleyball, AAU Basketball, and Travel Softball are all hogging for the same time slots.
  7. It sucks, he cheated, you know it. What do you need to prove it to you? A sad day for basball. Griffey and Rodriguez will break it, so he will only hold it for awhile.
  8. That's too bad. : :'(
  9. I like Ensberg, but it was time to go. He wasn't going to get it done in an Astro's Uniform. Became way to tenative at the plate. With that being said, I wish Him success.
  10. Flowers work better.
  11. Should have signed Pettit, even if they had to overpay a couple of Million. Then they prob have gotten Clemens, still had Willie T abd Buch and be in the pennant race.
  12. This could be the catcher they have been looking for, hopefully. Good thing they got rid of Pudge when they did, he was all washed up! :
  13. Lat I heard, none of them were mentioned in Grand Jury precedings. But obviously we will have to agree to disagree.
  14. How about farther? Would it help say 15-20 warning track balls a year get into the stands?
  15. You don't think steroids helped? C'mon!!!!! I would say Ben Johson would say it helped with explosion, which is exactly what a swing is.
  16. It's not weak, you're head doesn't grow naturally. Steroids however will make your head grow like a melon. Are you saying you doubt he has taken roids? Come on you don't even have a doubt about that. BTW they will help you catch up to that inside fastball hand-eye coordination or not.
  17. Good trade, I am surprised they got that much for wheeler. Ensberg is like a shooting guard that won't shoot. He is supposed to be a power hitter, but it looks like he would rather walk than hit. It's time to move him. Lamb is a little more versatile and can hit for power, gives a coach a little flexibility in the lineup.
  18. Really disgraceful, that one of the most hallowed records in baseball is going to be broken by a cheater. What's his hat size? It was 7 1/4 as a rookie, it's now an 8.
  19. I believe if Leipheimer had contended more in the earlier stages, he would have been in position. Oh well the spaniards need to win something. The wind is carrying to right at Champs-Elysses.
  20. Breaker..........................................
  21. They probably only have 4 players worthy of a trade and i would hate to see them get rid of any of them.
  22. Is this Lofton's like 8th or 9th time to be traded.
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