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Everything posted by JohnnyT60

  1. When everything else in the universe is still.......OKLAHOMA STILL SUCKS!!!!
  2. Still the Astros have been to the WS in the last 20 years. There are a lot of teams that can't say that. It seems to me the last team in ought to change leagues if anyone does. I like it the way it is with a division champ. Gives the fans something to hang their hat on, even if a poor team does make the playoffs ever now and then. You do know what this is really about don't you? It is about the Yankees or Red Sox still getting in, when Tampa has a good year.
  3. Pence is a good player and just about the lone bright spot for the team, but still not good enough to get much in a trade. I think he is the kind of a player that you keep and add pieces to. Lets face it, the Astros are not good right now, but if you had another starter and anything that resembled a bullpen they would still be competitive. Not saying i am satisfied with the rest of the pieces but you could compete. Wandy, Meyers, Norris & Lyles can compete and Happ does every other start or so, but as soon as they leave the game it is over. The number of blown saves tells tou that if this team had a bullpen things would be a lot different. BRANDON LYON HAS GOT TO GO. Why would you hang on to him?
  4. [quote name="Craig S" post="1018022" timestamp="1307861326"] [quote author=JohnnyT60 link=topic=84819.msg1017202#msg1017202 date=1307543933] I haven't seen all the 10U teams play this year, in fact very little, but most are not probably ready for "A". I think you need to be able to master the "B" before you move up to "A". If you don't you will probably just get overwhelmed and make no progress. If you can move up and compete, then the higher competition will make you better, but if you get totally overwhelmed, it is not going to do you much good. There may be some teams that are looking for hollow victories, but I beleive most are just not ready. [/quote] JT this is NOT ASA....don't get confused with the talent level of teams comparatively... Why can't we ask this question...not ready for what? Teams have been together at least a full year...had plenty of time to get where you need to be to challenge your team in a STATE tournament regarless of the affiliation....especially it being USFA....not ASA! Love ya...respect ya....but strongly disagree with ya on this one...but for good measure GEAUX TIGERS! [/quote] If you are not winning the "West lake" tournament on a regular basis, isn't that an indication that you are probably not an "A" team yet? BTW, we disagree a lot, so not a total shock, but that's OK.  ;D I had asked awhile back, since I am an old guy, what affilliations were the best and got some answers. The reason I asked is because some guys seemed to be bragging about winning some different affiliations that were not considered that strong when we were doing this thing. I would certainly agree that ASA is a different animal, but don't you have many of the dominant ASA teams playing in these USFA tournaments? But don't mistake what I am saying, if you can compete, you need to be playing in the "A" division.
  5. Can you blow a kiss without teeth?? Maybe someone should share the story of Tony Coniglaro, even though Tony didn't do anything to provoke the beanball other than crowd the plate. [IMG][Hidden Content]]
  6. Great gesture by the Rangers. Hopefully they can find a place for this kid somewhere in the organization.
  7. Let me concede that the farm system is better for discussion. Did the Berkman deal or the failure to re-sign one of the many closers enhnace the farm system or could we have had these players while still re-building the farm?
  8. I agree, like I said, some teams are settling for hollow victories, while others are realistic about their talent. There should be atleast a couple more from our area. I won't throw out any names but I know at least one is ready to take the challenge.
  9. I haven't seen all the 10U teams play this year, in fact very little, but most are not probably ready for "A". I think you need to be able to master the "B" before you move up to "A". If you don't you will probably just get overwhelmed and make no progress. If you can move up and compete, then the higher competition will make you better, but if you get totally overwhelmed, it is not going to do you much good. There may be some teams that are looking for hollow victories, but I beleive most are just not ready.
  10. [quote name="Ty Cobb" post="1016301" timestamp="1307161018"] [quote author=AJ25 link=topic=84697.msg1016155#msg1016155 date=1307123629] [quote author=ForeverADog link=topic=84697.msg1016086#msg1016086 date=1307100180] The astros packed the house every night 5 years ago. While the Rangers were the young team that didn't win many games and only had 20K. It fluctuates so much based on winning. (Unless your Tampa, then no one comes even if you win.) [/quote] Neither team has good fans.. Cubs, RedSox, etc... Have great fans year in year out. [/quote] I disagree with the comment on the Cubs having good fans.  In my opinion the Cubs do not have good baseball fans.  What the Cubs have is a historic stadium with a wonderful surrounding cast.  That surrounding cast happens to be the numerous amount of bars that cirlce Wrigley Field.  I'm not sure how many people on this site have had the opportunity to attend a game at Wrigley Field, but if you have I think you will agree with me.  50% of the fans at Wrigley are there for the game, the other 50% are there just to say they were.  Games at Wrigley are more of a social event, or a status symbol, than they are a baseball game.  I had the opportunity to go in 2005 and had a blast.  I went with someone that lives in Chicago and he told me that it isn't about the game.  Being a baseball fan, that was hard for me to believe.  Once I got to the game I realized that he was correct.  I spent over 100 dollars a ticket for myself, my brother, and our host, and was surrounded by people that couldn't name half of the starting line-up.  When I asked them why they attend games they told me because that was the thing to do.  Don't get me wrong, there are some very good fans in Chicago.  I just think it's half and half when it comes to true baseball fans. [/quote] That is similar to what the Rangers fans were 10 -20 years ago. I went to many Rangers games for awhile starting when the Astros let Ryan go to the Rangers and was amazed at how many of their fans didn't even face the field during the game, it was more of a social event. As far as the Astros go, you can't blame fans for not going to a game when management is not even attempting to put a competitive team on the field. Hopefully with a new owner, they will become more agrresive. Not a knock on McLane because during his tenure he was willing to spend money, but many of their moves did not work. The Astros do not need to win the penant every year but they do need to be competitive. As far as the Rangers pretty easy to be a fan of a team who ws in the World Series last year. I'm an Astros fan but like the Rangers a lot. Overall attendance is down everywhere except in a few markets, next time you watch a game pay attention to the empty seats in the background.
  11. I'm sure the Astros would have drafted Jungman if they weren't so deep on pitching already. I mean really who needs a 21 year old pitcher who already throws in the mid 90's with an established curve ball and change. They should have re-signed Berkman when he finished his rent with the Yankees and anyone of the many closers they let get away. Wade is a clown and it is time for him to go.
  12. Been to a couple, and it really is impressive.
  13. [quote name="oldollie" post="1005168" timestamp="1304431509"] I must say though, I went to the game and had a great time!! It was a fun time! [/quote] Memories??
  14. Good list, but Roosevelt Leaks was a great one too. I guess Earl over-shadowed him so much, that people overlook him. I know he seldom appears on the list of the great ones, but I always thought he ran hard on every play. Worster was a long time ago and he was special, that may have been when you were a Longhorn fan.  ;)
  15. [quote name="the sports guy" post="1001607" timestamp="1303572450"] The veer can work well with a small line. [/quote] Absolutely, we ran it when I was in HS, and you always have the angle for your block, with a pulling lineman for the kick-out. It maximizes quickness and speed, and even though I had neither, it still set you up for some devastating blocks.
  16. [quote name="KFDM KERRY COOPER" post="1000895" timestamp="1303417670"] Youtube VIDEO  Van Wade Interviewing the WO-S Super [Hidden Content] [/quote] Very impressive interview. He gets it and I think he will lead WOS to new heights.
  17. [quote name="Hupernikomen" post="999853" timestamp="1303262052"] [quote author=JohnnyT60 link=topic=82980.msg999436#msg999436 date=1303225662] Reducing coaching positions has a minimal impact on the budget. Assuming you eliminate 4 positions, that would only reduce your budget by $14,000. At what cost, many of these children look to their coaches for guidance and leadership because they don't get it at home. I see a lot of panick going on, this is a temp economic downfall. Sure the belt needs to be tightend where it can, but no decisions, I repeat, no decisions should be made that have long term effects on campus. The rainy day fund will pick up some this year and administrators will have time to make adjustments going forward. Coaching seems to be the easy target, but really with little impact on the budget. [/quote] [b]4 positions equals more like 200k[/b].  Districts who cut these positions will not be keeping the employee for other purposes.  I am sure that there are many, many coaches who would gladly give up athletics and just stay on in their other roles for the district.  This will not be the case. Somethings to ponder.. In 07-08 Texas was 41st in per pupil spending among the States.  In that same year we were 48th in taxation (sales, income, excess etc.) The year before in 06 Texas came up with a new funding system that reduced everyone's property tax across the state by 1/3rd.  (Federal court cases made them come up with new funding system) --this was to be replaced by a business tax.  (it brings in BILLIONS LESS than what was promised) --they forced your county appraisal district to appraise "fairly" at that same time.  How has that worked out for you?  I now have a lower tax rate and a home that has grown in value @ 50% in the last 5 years.  Do the math and you can see that "tax break" has evaporated. On to the business tax.  [url=[Hidden Content] letter to Perry tells you all need to know.[/url]  (Notice the 2006 date on this one folks, this was our previous Comptroller telling Perry at the fallacy of their plan.) The bottom line is Texas has always expected schools to do more with less and now they are demanding even more with even less and blaming the need for less on anyone they can point a finger at:  over-abundance of administrators, over-abundance or specialists, over-abundance of coaches, and over-abundance of every other position in the district. Why not fund education at a level that the constitution demands?  Of course we have some fluff that can be trimmed.  Every organization does.  Trust me it is being trimmed. Shouldn't we be demanding that the State provide those billions they promised whenever they rewrote the public funding laws?  [/quote] Not if they continue to teach. You are only removing the coaching stipend. All I have read is how cutting coaches will trim the budget. What I have tried to stress is that most, especially the young ones teach also. I don't believe anyone is supporting of cutting teachers. Coaches seem to be the easy targets. yet will result in very little of a budget reduction.
  18. We can't let that happen! OU sucks more than ever, I mean there is nothing they won't stoop to!  ;D
  19. Reducing coaching positions has a minimal impact on the budget. Assuming you eliminate 4 positions, that would only reduce your budget by $14,000. At what cost, many of these children look to their coaches for guidance and leadership because they don't get it at home. I see a lot of panick going on, this is a temp economic downfall. Sure the belt needs to be tightend where it can, but no decisions, I repeat, no decisions should be made that have long term effects on campus. The rainy day fund will pick up some this year and administrators will have time to make adjustments going forward. Coaching seems to be the easy target, but really with little impact on the budget.
  20. Well I would try to e-mail them again. Cody is just about booked up and I am sure Holly is in a similar situation, but you never know when something will open up.
  21. I would check the coaches offereing lessons at the top of this forum.
  22. "Coach I would love to play VB but my first love is SB and I have tournaments on these dates. If it is un-acceptable to miss those dates I understand." That is not an ultimatum, that is being up front and letting the coach know where you stand, and either it is acceptable or it is not. As long as the coach knows what the player's intentions are and everyone is honest, there is no room for hurt feelings. Look, either the coach is ok with it or he is not. My kid would have been an easy 1st team all-district in BB, but SB was more important and she made the right decision. You act like if you don't choose the HS sport that you are somehow devious. I don't understand that mentality. My kid participated in many NC tournaments and 5 of them put her getting back to school late, thankfully our school was supportive.
  23. Worked out for mine. HS is not the end all, but having said that her HS experience is one she will remember forever. This is also one of the reasons she didn't play HS basketball. She knew that if the BB season was still going on, she wouldn't be allowed to play SB. And select is exactly what got her the scholarship. The bottom line the answer to the question is not as black and white as it may appear, and most people don't truly understand girl select sports. It is very possible for a boy to get a scholarship without ever playing select, while it is almost impossible for a girl if she doesn't.
  24. [quote name="td" post="997230" timestamp="1302789425"] [quote author=JohnnyT60 link=topic=82860.msg996383#msg996383 date=1302644386] [quote author=the sports guy link=topic=82860.msg996355#msg996355 date=1302639044] [quote author=KFDM KERRY COOPER link=topic=82860.msg996342#msg996342 date=1302637420] [quote author=Scooter! link=topic=82860.msg996081#msg996081 date=1302575785] If Coach T isnt named the HC things will turn upside down in West Orange [/quote] If Coach T or Toby is NOT named the School would be 2A within 2 years and 1A in 4 years, write it down. [/quote] I wrote it down! ;D I am pretty sure one of them will get it. [/quote] If so this Super has let things get stirred up that didn't need to be stirred up and is obviously dividing the community. [/quote] Grad thanks for the ad. lol Guys there are a ton of rumors out there. I don't know which ones are true and I feel certain no one else really knows either. That being said I can see how they make us all nervous about Coach T not getting the job. Johnny I'm not sure what the Super has done to allow things to get stirred up? As i understand it, when both Toby and Coach T applied for the job he then had to open it up. So that is what was done. There is no way he could have opened it up and then made a public statement that one of them would get the job. No way that is legal. Has to be some sort of discrimination. I'm not saying believe or don't believe what you hear. We all have to dig through all of the rumors and decide what to believe. Time is the only thing that will tell which rumors are true and which ones were just that, rumors. I, just as all of you have no say on who is hired as our next AD other than to make a phone call and voice my opinion on what I think should happen. That being said, please get out and vote. Early voting is held at the public library May 2-10. The election is held on May 14th. [/quote] Because it should have been done by now.
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