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Everything posted by JohnnyT60

  1. Based on that info, I will move her to the outfield.
  2. I have Ashley in the infield, and Caroline as a pitcher.
  3. I have put her at SS unless I hear differently.
  4. Come on guys we need more nominations for this category.
  5. What position for A Kuhn? Anyone close to the Nederland situation, give us an idea of what position is likely.
  6. His stats in the playoffs will probably keep him out of the Baseball HOF.
  7. Nominations for Outfield are: Ashley Jones-PAM Hanna Godina-Kelly Layne Ford-Kelly Alyssa Breshears-LCM Britni Collins-LCM Julianne (Buster) Viator-LCM Katye Harris-LCM Ashley Kuhn-Nederland Shelby Fluker-Kirbyville Debra Hamor-LCM Caitlin Austin-Nederland Brittany Tanton-Silsbee
  8. Looks like the Astros gave up a lot of potential for nothing. Time will tell, but it doesn't look like a good trade to me. Taveras seemed to be coming into his game at the end of the year, and may be ready for the next leap nerxt year. Does this mean the Astros have their eyes on another outfielder. Looks like Berkman to 1st. Then 2 outfieldrs.
  9. I also noticed that we have only one 1B nominated so far. Not that I don't think she is deserving, but surely there is another one out there at least worth nominating.
  10. You must have someone in mind. :wink: My trip kind of pushed back the schedule. I think I will start OF Friday, and start some superlatives, the following Wednesday.
  11. Great offensive threat, but doesn't have a clue in the outfield.
  12. Congratulations Drew! Very hardworking kid.
  13. I have been waiting for this one. It took longer than I thought. Will some one please get me the correct spelling for Katie Shumaker (sp).
  14. Nominations for these positions so far. 1B; Ashley Soignet-Silsbee,Romi Adams-LCM, Chelsea Brown-Kirbyville, Lauren Meeks-Nederland 2B; Josie Drago-Kelly, Jenna Angelle-BC, Kayla Adams-Silsbee, Jessica Heinlein-WB SS; Megan Waterman-Kelly, Lauren Angelle-BC, Katie Harrell-LCM, Katie Whigham-Silsbee, Kahlie Tomplait-Kirbyville 3B; Alyssa Breshears-LCM, Allison Erwin-Silsbee, Ashlin Tahaney-Kelly, Taylor Trocjak-Nederland, Andrea Kelly-WB We are now taking nominations for 1st, 2nd, SS, and 3rd.
  15. CC where are you? This is pitiful, I am gone for almost two weeks and this all we have in the way of nominations/ You guys are letting me down.
  16. If you have stats from last year, please post them in support of your nominations.
  17. These are our nominations so far. Catcher: Ashley Boyd-WB, Christina Jacques-BC, Ashley Henk-Huffman, Katherine Grable-Kelly, Whitley Richards-LCM, Tiffany Weise-Warren, Courtney Howell-Lumberton, Lindsey Rossi-Nederland, Megan Neeley-Kirbyville, Delana Hamor-LCM. Pitcher; Chandler Hall-BH, Kimber Bossom-Dayton, Beka Ragsdale-WOS, Brittany Godina-Kelly, Alex Mitchell-Lumberton, Shandi Connor-BC, Kristi Keller-Huffman, Monika Covington-Huffman, Katie Schumaker - WB, Erin May-LCM, Caroline McCelland-Silsbee, Christina Ratcliff-OF. Time for nominations on Pitchers and Catchers. Alex Mitchell and Chandler Hall are returning from last years team at Pitcher. Ashley Boyd is the returning Catcher from last years team. We will go to Infield Next Week. Here is last years team. MVP- Cody Trahan LCM Newcomer of the Year- Alex Mitchell- Lumberton Coach of the Year- Samara Bean – LCM 1B- Karlie Harrell – LCM 2B- Jenna Angelle- Bridge City SS- Lauren Angelle- Bridge City, Erica Tindel- PNG 3B- Taylor Trojak- Nederland C- Ashley Boyd- West Brook OF- Stormie Thibodeaux- Silsbee, Mecaela Ballard – PNG, Amber Bryan LCM Pitchers- Chandler Hall- Barbers Hill, Elena Clinton- Bridge City, Sam Cummings- Shepherd
  18. This thread can only take away from, what was a great season for Mosely.
  19. Some of Dishon votes were probably a carryover from last year as well. Ramsey obviously had a great year and should have been recognized. Someone's always going to be left off, and no it's not fair, But as Mr. Merrill used to say " Son, the whole worlds not fair, if it was, frogs would have wings".
  20. Mosely has a lot of Heart and works for every yard, but Charles was and is a threat to go to the house on every play.
  21. Thomas - LCM
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