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Everything posted by JohnnyT60

  1. No, mine are graduated now, and they never quit on their team. I am interested though, you say your kid plays for LCM, yet you support wos. Do you not support your own kid?
  2. That was Sweet Congratulations to the Bear players, coaches, and the entire Bear Family, that was one helluva an effort. Wasn't it great to see a game plan, one that had a little imagination, and not quite so predictable. Now let's forget this game (for now) and get ready for the next one. One game at a time, and improve ever time you take the field.
  4. I've been reading this for awhile, and no one would have said anything about Lumberton, if they hadn't gotten on here and started talking smack. My daddy always told me "son don't brag on yourself, it just makes you look stupid, besides if you're that good, everyone else will be bragging on you". Not bad words to live by.
  5. I know a certain pirate, who is gonna love this score. :shock:
  6. LCM did lose a lot of quality players, but I think there were some very good players, who didn't get a chance to play simply because there was no room. The big question will be pitching depth. I am certain they will be able to put a couple of quality pitchers out there. There just might not be the quality depth that we are used to.
  7. "I want football back at Lamar because I attended the school and have a degree in nursing. Football will build school spirit, pride among alumni and civic leaders, and supporters of Lamar University. It is about more than money (spent or make) It is about seeing the unveristy grow and that growth is limited by not having a football team. " I couldn't agree more!
  8. Repeat after me, big time programs are not going to travel to Beaumont to Play Lamar. If you look at Texas, A & M, and any other top notch school, you will see that they always host the weaker smaller schools. The only reason Texas plays in Houston, is because they have a huge exes association there. Texas is not going to play Lamar there when they can play Rice or Houston. This subject is beat to death, and I am done. BTW Baylor is not really big time and not big in enrollment either. I wouldn't be surprised if Lamar is not bigger enrollment wise.
  9. I think the 1-AA playoffs are better than a bowl game. I have read, depending on what conference your in, that bowls actually cost you money, instead of making money for the school. I do not believe Lamar will ever be able to compete at D-1 and that is why I support 1-AA. Also, if you look how some of these 1-AA programs are ran(McNeese, Montana St., etc.) Lamar could be successful and bring a lot to the community.
  10. Give me the attendance numbers. Support dropped because they were losing.
  11. Was that before they established 1-AA. Your right winning will be key, 1-A is not. Tell me, what being 1-A will do for Lamar. Don't tell me, bringing in big schools, that won't happen. As we have already seen most of the small D-1 schools have to travel to all of the big schools for their sacrifice. If you think any Big 12 or SEC school is coming to Beaumont your dreaming.
  12. I've been to several games at Texas and LSU, and Lmar will never compete with that. I also have been to Lamar games and SFA games and enjoyed them as well. The thing about Lamar Football (just like Jim Gilligan's clubs) they didn't recruit locally as they should. Even then though there were a few kids from the area that I enjoyed following.
  13. No, I believe everyone understands. The teams you have listed in other post are perennial losers at the D1 level, and that's exactly what would happen to Lamar. There is nothing wrong with 1-AA, and I think most people agree.
  14. Those six tickets are gonna cost you in the neighborhood of $1500 for D1. Leave the wife at home with a couple of kids and enjoy the game.
  15. Rice was in the Southwest Conference in the 40's. I doubt they were ever 1-AA. The rest of those teams get hammered on a regular basis. Would you rather go 1-9 in 1-A or 9-1 in 1-AA?
  16. The problem is, they don't see how football could help the university in a variety of ways. In areas that have nothing to do with football.
  17. "Lamar University is a member of the Southland Conference, participating in men and women's basketball, baseball, and other sports. Lamar does not have a football program, which is unusual for a Texas educational institution." This is from wikipedia.com , it's time to do it now!
  18. He will never get better until he plays somewhere else. Too much baggage here.
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