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Everything posted by JohnnyT60

  1. Way to lead by example Scooter!!
  2. Sounds like a good idea to me. How many games are we playing this Sunday? Don't know yet.....as for me being quiet... my wife made me sit next to her so I would behave myself. It was boring...no yelling... no kicking buckets....no throwing my hat on the ground......no wait...silly me...that's CC that does that. ;D ;D ;D CC get his hat thrown to the ground for him!!!!
  3. So you are saying OU is sucking the moisture from the gulf........excellent point. ;D Johnny, tell the man what he's won! Yes Eagle07 you have won a lifetime pass from ever having to step into the sucking state or dealing with their sucking people and as a bonus you get to keep telling everyone you know OKLAHOMA SUCKS
  4. Nope. I went to Owned.com They must also have that Fran owned Mackey for his last two years at A&M too right? One of the biggest busts in college football that anyone who lost to him was embarrassed. Fran? Oh yeah and that got him a new contract, right? Sorry! This is not an Aggie thread. ATM does not suck near as much as OU SUCKS!!!!! Actually he stepped down because of the email scandal... Anyway, 4 days until one of the best days of the year. You don't really believe that do you? Oklahoma Sucks!!
  5. I would have to agree, the State Championship was a very special moment. All of those extra innings, the crowd and the kids overcoming everything for the victory. The 12U in Owasso was awsome as well. I would add winning 18U AFA and the first trip to ASA Gold in Marietta, Ga. as incredible moments.
  6. Yeah Durham is something else. Sure enjoyed kicking his butt when my daughter played. ;D
  7. I remember the Blast organization used to be the only game in town, and they did a lot to bring softball along in this community. They hosted several camps and clinics that were open to all girls. Maybe what we ought to shoot for is an organization that allows for all individual teams but has the strength in numbers to get folks to come in and give camps and clinics. If at some point it is acceptable to all then a more formal organization could be drafted with expectations and standards agreed upon by all. BTW, I believe there is a place for all teams from Gold Organizations seeking to place everyone of their girls in D1 to Daddy Ball and all levels between as long as the player goals and dreams match that of her team. This is not a witch hunt but an attempt to make SB stronger across the whole GT. Probably time for a face to face meeting and time to stop debating over the internet. That way we can find some common ground and move forward. Everyone knows how I feel about Trout , Jess, Verde, but I also think John has done a lot for softball in this area and lord knows how many hours he has put in as well a all of the guys in the Crush Organization. My daughter would not be where she is without the Crush Organization or Blast Gold. So let's get together.
  8. here we go Bojo left town, I am not sure where he is coaching now!
  9. It was a scrimmage, but still a very positive step.
  10. They have a lot of tornados in oklahoma don't they? Sometimes the suckage is so strong it spreads to neighboring states.
  11. Here is the latest: 8/17 ASA GOLD COACHES INQUIRY Written by Rayburn Hesse Monday, 17 August 2009 18:59 INQUIRY FROM ASA GOLD Chris Sebren, ASA assistant director of membership, has sent the following email to Gold coaches who participated in 2009 Gold Nationals. Coaches, I would like to say thank you and congratulations again for your participating in the 2009 ASA Gold National Championship. I know it was a trying week with the rain and warm temperatures, however you and your young ladies did an outstanding job of adapting. We hope that your parents, friends and family at home enjoyed the live game tracker and live video feed from the Stadium Field. On Monday night of the Double Elimination Draw we had a survey that was available to fill out and give your opinion on how things are done in the Gold Program. For those of you who turned one in we appreciate your time in doing so. If you did not have the time or opportunity to fill a survey out and would like the opportunity I have included those questions below. Do you Feel that college players should be allowed to play ASA Gold National Championship? Yes or No If they are permitted to play, should there be a limit of how many players per team? Yes, How Many___________ or No Do you feel that the Gold National Championship Should be in OKC every year, OKC every other year or rotated to different areas of the country? Should pool play games return to being exposure games and not count for the seeding into the Double Elimination Bracket? Yes or No Should the Bracket draw be completely blind with no regional or pool play protections? Yes or No I also wanted to let you know that a Coaches Committee is being formed to discuss the issues that you see with the ASA program and to make Code and Rule recommendations to the ASA Council. So at this time I am also taking recommendations from you of Coaches that you feel would represent you and your opinions. This Committee will have conference calls starting immediately and will start putting together a list of recommendations for Code and Rule Proposals. The goal of putting this Committee together is to give the coaches a voice. I appreciate the opportunity I had this past week to speak to many of you and get your opinions on the very things I have laid out in this email. I hope that you all take the time to share your thoughts and opinions. They are all positive or negative greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Chris Sebren Assistant Director of Membership/ Stadium Events 2801 NE 50th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73111 (405)425-3432 Office (405)424-3855 Fax Visit us on the web at www.asasoftball.com SPY NOTE: Prior to Gold Nationals, SPY and others had urged the formation of a coaches committee; indeed, SPY has proposed such a committee for several years. Given the down time many teams had at OKC, a committee could have rendered on-spot advice to ASA. SPY conducted a survey quite similar to ASA’s; in fact, at the behest of Executive Director Radagonda, and published the results during the World Series. Note that the latter survey was open to all readers, not just Gold coaches. SPY SURVEY RESULTS May 26 2009 From May 8 through May 25, SPY polled readers on four questions. The 251 answers will surprise some because they reflect a body of opinion which at a glance seems contrary to conventional wisdom on two of the four questions. Since respondents were not asked to identify themselves, but sent SPY individual “no reply†emails, we cannot break down the response in terms of college coaches, travel ball coaches, college and travel ball players, and parents. However, Questions 2 and 3 were deliberately inserted to draw responses from the travel ball community, and given the breakdown of those responses, there is confidence that the aggregate survey includes opinions from the travel ball community. Question 1 Should college players be eligible to play in Gold level competition? (This question assumes compliance with the ASA 19U age guidelines.) Somewhat surprising, given the intensity of debate at ASA, NFCA and other meetings, 68.5% said college players should be eligible – 172 to 79. It would be interesting to have a regional breakdown, given that many Eastern coaches (and their ASA commissioners) contend they would have difficulty fielding competitive teams without returning college players. The fact is that many of the most competitive Gold teams utilize returning college players. Reminder: this question was asked icw Gold Nationals, and SPY assumes readers were fully mindful that a number of major exposure tournaments have or are planning to restrict participation by college players so as to increase focus on players who have not committed. Question 2 Should the Gold championship remain in Oklahoma City or be rotated every other year? A significant difference of opinion, with a majority 59.3% (149 to 102) saying the site for Gold Nationals should be rotated every other year. When this issue was last debated at a Gold coaches meeting four years ago, there was definite sentiment for continuing to conduct this tournament at alternative sites. Proponents of rotation argue that the past tournaments at Salem and Salinas demonstrated that quality tournaments could be held elsewhere. SPY also heard separately from some who prefer the Hall of Fame site, with its four fields and especially its stadium, while we also heard from some who do not like Oklahoma City which is difficult to reach by air, and notably the heat. Question 3 Should there be a minimum qualification standard teams must meet before designating themselves as Gold? A very relevant question considering that California ASA has resolved the question, at least in part, by requiring teams to pre-qualify for Gold in order to be eligible for their Gold tournaments. An overwhelming majority of respondents – 202 to 49, 80.5% -- said no, there should not be a minimum standard. A number of coaches have written SPY, saying there is a sorting out process which occurs through the ASA tournaments. Question 4 Should players be allowed by NCAA to verbal before July 1 of the summer before their senior year? Again, given the strident positions taken on both sides of this issue at all types of softball meetings, we were somewhat surprised at the survey result. By a margin of 152 to 99, or 60.5%, respondents said in effect that NCAA should permit early verbals. NCAA does not actually sanction early verbals, and its rules are very specific, but NCAA officials realize that early verbals are not only common for girls about to enter their senior year, but, that the ranks of players who have given early verbals include freshmen and sophomores. While there is obviously a strong body of opinion opposed to the practice (39.5%), SPY had hoped for a strong majority in favor of NCAA banning or somehow restricting the practice. In hindsight, SPY could have asked a follow-on question: is there an age or school year below which early verbals should not be allowed, eg, no freshmen or sophomores, no girls under age 16, etc.
  12. If there is anything I can do, I would be glad to help.
  13. Homers. We all know HJ wouldn't fare well if Central and Ozen were in their district. Not saying they wouldn't slip one in occasionally but they'd be third year in and year out. What if HJ had another 500 enrollment? Is it still true than anyone in BISD can attend Ozen? If so that would mean they are selecting a BB team from nearly 6000 students.
  14. She has been there and knows what it takes. The lessons learned can be passed to the next group, if they are ready.
  15. Agreed, but this is a good start. Imagine a poor performance against TC and all of those doubts start creeping in. This is the kind of performance a young team w/o much success can build on. Possibly the next performance whether it be a win or loss will be better because of it. I don't think we have to worry about over confidence and confidence leads to more success which leads to more confidence which will lead to more success. The spiral up is the same as the spiral down. The key is to keep your mouth shut and play.
  16. Gonna have to go with the boys across town, WOS. They have been good since their inception, with only a couple of subpar(for them)years. I give HJ BB a close second.
  17. Youre a good man JohnnyT, good man indeed. Trying to connect the dots here. Chandras X-ray = radiation Radiation = Atomic energy Atomic energy = A-Bomb Therefore is it safe that these black holes that suck named OKLAHOMA could also be A-holes? :-\ Who could argue with that logic? Only an A.......
  18. Astronomers have found the most powerful eruption in the universe using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory. A super massive black hole generated this eruption by growing at a remarkable rate. This discovery shows the enormous appetite of large black holes, and the profound impact they have on their surroundings. This event was caused by gravitational energy release, as enormous amounts of matter fell toward a black hole. Most of the matter was swallowed, but some of it was violently ejected before being captured by the black hole. "I was stunned to find that a mass of about 300 million suns was swallowed," This Black Hole has been named Oklahoma and it indeed does suck.
  19. Congrats to Coach Crouch and the boys. No matter how the season ends, this is a great start. Something to build on.
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