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Everything posted by knightrider

  1. wow, way too many teams possibly dropping down to 4-a. pretty soon their won't be any non district games. will be too many in one district. will be strange starting the season in district play. ??? ??? ???
  2. why break up a good thing, dayton will stick to their same jerseys. don't want to jinx them. i like those unies anyways. don't want to see them change it. ;D ;D :
  3. wow, that long since crosby beat us huh? : : :
  4. always a tense game between dayton and crosby. "like the cowboys and redskins" no love lost between these two teams. ought to start calling this the game like they do in baytown. wins are getting kinda lopsided though. dayton's takenseveral in a row now. so far, crosby can't stop the broncos. ;D : : :
  5. the jaguars are picked in district 26-4a to win the district championship. they were div. 1 bi-district finalist last year. at the end of the regular season, should be a very entertaining game to watch. both teams will be seasoned for the play-offs. the realignment will be after this year so this will probably will be a one time deal. should be a great warm-up for the play-offs. looking forward to it. glad we got a 10th game. : ;D ;D ;D
  6. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D i like it lol
  7. may need golf carts to cart them to the visitors side. just thought that was the plan on the west side for the visitors parking. lonnnnnnnnnnnnng walk for the visitors. good exercise. :D ;D ;D ::)personally, i think they should stick to the first choice and use the west end for parking. that would be a better choice.
  8. me no espanol :D :D
  9. besides the new scoreboard, looks like they're getting ready to put all our play-off years back on the stand at the other end of the field. all the poles are in place. hope we get it back. something to really be proud of. all the accomplishments the broncos made over the years. " GO BRONCOS" ;D
  10. until proven otherwise, i have to go with dayton. too much talent there. ;D ;D ;D :
  11. this bronco fan's ready for some football. how bout yall??? ??? ??? ??? ;D ;D ;D
  12. i think a bronco - titan game would be a great one to watch. would be a good 10th game for the broncos. i think it would be a great match-up. ;D ;D ;D
  13. all we asked is possibly when is this scoreboard going to be installed? ready for the action here. can't wait till the season starts ??? ??? ??? ??? ;D
  14. 100K WOULD BE JUST GREAT!!!!!!!
  15. anyone know when the new scoreboard will be installed? and also if we're going to get the signs in the back of the stadium showing our playoff records?? sure looked good when it was there. guess i'm just proud for everyone to see our accomplishments the broncos did since the beginning. : : :
  16. hate to see that happen to anyone. my prayers go out to the family and team. sad ending. :'( :'( :'(
  17. [don't ever stop believing!!!!!!! ;) ;)
  18. is dylan bethea a senior this year or is he coming back this season?
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