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Everything posted by knightrider

  1. On a public servant salary, don't think that will enough $$$$ to even buy one light bulb on the jumbotron. What an honor it would be to have ALWAYS BELIEVE in big words along the bottom of the score board. exactly!!!!!!! ''ALWAYS BELIEVE"
  2. yeah, i was just being selfish on my part. as long as it's purple with our broncos logo on it will do just fine. just will be glad when football begins now. i know the economy sucks right now. maybe in the future we may be able to get us a jumbotron scoreboard . when everythings said and done, our stadium and parking situation with be solved and it will be great. go broncos lets make it 14 straight years. ;D
  3. would be nice if dayton could get a big scoreboard with video and sound on it. they deserve one. probably will just get a rinky dinky one like they had before though. ???
  4. the most exciting and best game i ever see last year was dayton vs. kerrville tivy in the last seconds of the game. 31-28 ;D ;D
  5. watch out for dem vidor pirates ;D : : : :
  6. just maybe someone, either 4-a or 5-a will need a non district game this year. hopefully we can get a 10th game. ???
  7. and to think ,back in the 60's and 70's, liberty use to be a force for any team to take on. what happened? ??? ???
  8. going to be a fun season. lots of competition coming up. not going to be a freeride this season. still going with my broncos unless they prove me wrong. i think we'll be ok though. always seem to find a way to the play-offs though. 19-4a's not going to be a cake walk. tougher than you think. just might be the strongest district by far this year in 4-a. we'll see : : : : :
  9. i personally think this district is going to real competitive. the broncos can't afford to let their guard down on anyone. we got alot of work to do this year. all these teams are going to be gunning for us. got to be one step ahead. i think stewart and staff will have us ready. going to be very interesting this year. can't wait till the season starts. :
  10. post your votes
  11. now that's funny lmao :D :D :D
  12. lmao, that's cool :D :D
  13. Happy New Years to everyone in setxsports. hope everyone gets their resolutions. "GO BRONCOS" ;D : : : :
  14. to win the lotto ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  15. dayton should've beat la marque in 1998 in the dome in the area round. we would've won state that year if we beat them. pearson, edwards, bowers, should've won it. : :
  16. yeah friendswood fan, i'll be sitting there with a juicy turkey leg in my hand watching my broncos end their streak against yall this fall lol ;D ;D ;D
  17. if we get some of those guys that sat out last year on defense, we should be very strong in that department. i think the broncs will do ok next year. hope we can make a good run though. going to be tough next year. going to have to earn it. not going to be a weak district next year. hope we get some transfers moving in. : : :
  18. who will take the district and the runners up?
  19. Then why don't you tell us since it's public knowledge? I choose to remain anonymous. I hear ya Young Coach , I know for a fact that there is no hidden agenda with the School Board as some are implying. The school board does want a change and a change for the best. They agonized bad over the move with Matt , and they are not going to go through that to not go all the way through with doing the right thing. If they were not going to do what was best for PNG in who they hire they would have just left Matt where he was. they were too hasty in their decision. matt had alot of young kids to work with. might've been a different story if they would at least gave him one more year to prove that. school boards, bah hum bug > > >
  20. like you said, exactly!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. not to fret liltex, we know who the who will dominate the super gold team for years to come. "THE DAYTON BRONCOS" LOL : : : :
  22. yes, the broncos are all special to the community. awesome videos. : : :
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