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Alpha Wolf

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Everything posted by Alpha Wolf

  1. Great guy from what I know of him. He does get the most out of his kids and has been spanking both of our schools with that system. I'm not a racist by any means and I don't think he is either but could you imagine all the talk on a guy and coach from Vidor being named the coach at United, a predominantly black and Hispanic school? But I'll take him over Taylor ANY day...
  2. Find me another Head Coach with the last name Matthews...
  3. Yea, the only Matthews that I can think of that is a current head coach...
  4. Deadline is next Thursday if not sooner that they want to have made a hire. Interviews are still scheduled for next week. Shocked me when I heard a particular current head coach in the golden triangle has an interview next week.
  5. You are 100% percent correct. They are trying to keep several people from the 2 programs and that's not how it works in the football coaching world. Head Coaches are usually allowed to bring their own people if the choose. It's a trust thing. How can the new regime trust that old holdovers are not trying to sabotage them? Several have turned it down for that reason.
  6. No, the Central throwback was Stowers. The Ozen throwback was Louis.
  7. I was saying further back on the list of Ozen coaches, not Central's...
  8. I hope Danny is right in that the search has narrowed. What I do know for a fact is that 2 coaches were offered the job and their name isn't on the list. The Ozen throwback, like I said in a earlier post, stated that he didn't have the energy to start a new program and the Central throwback would be taking a $30-50K paycut to come here.
  9. So are all of the district schedules set?
  10. Heard that they don't want to use ANYTHING that has Central or Ozen on it for any extracurricular activities. Everything will have new colors, name and logos on it. No division...
  11. Well the 1st person who was a throwback from Ozen turned it down due to health issues and not having the energy that it would take to pull this off. You'd be correct...
  12. Just got an e-mail from someone and then I backed it up by making a phone call that said that Spring ball will more than likely not happen for United due to uniforms and the logistical nightmare between the 2 campuses. First day of practice/conditioning in that case would be August 6th with the first day of contact being August 10th. They would be able to get in 2 scrimmages before the season opener against Houston St. Pius.
  13. Probably about a 50% you'd be correct...
  14. Spring ball is still going to happen. It's a must. It usually doesn't start until after track season is complete which isn't until the end of April.
  15. What's shady about it? You still have time to go apply if you want to. It will be open until a hire is made...
  16. Found out that the head football coaching job is not officially closed for United. The list that was given out was just the list of qualified applicants at that time of the initial request. And since then a "throwback" has applied and will be interviewing soon...
  17. I don't know what you exactly meant but anyone that is currently at WB will be allowed to finish there. It will be enforced for all incoming freshman...
  18. I don't know, just saying. Whoever it is only has 1 post, that one...
  19. I had a former player of his tell me that "KRH" would occasionally say that the football field was his backyard (being that he is from PA) and that he would never leave his backyard. So much for that...
  20. Ok, spill the beans on who the 2 are...
  21. Looks like one of the coaches (Blue Star Man) on the list created a thread to get you all's opinions on who should get this job. . All he had to do was come over to this one...smh.
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