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Alpha Wolf

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  1. Like
    Alpha Wolf reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity in David Suggs just named HC at Ozen!!!   
    One person probably was trying it with the football program but she has since retired and has some bad karma coming her way. ;)
  2. Like
    Alpha Wolf reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity in David Suggs just named HC at Ozen!!!   
    I got the utmost confidence Suggs will have Ozen in the playoffs this upcoming season, mark my words.
  3. Like
    Alpha Wolf reacted to BMTSoulja1 in David Suggs just named HC at Ozen!!!   
    What are you saying? I think this is a pretty decent hire...
  4. Like
    Alpha Wolf reacted to BMTSoulja1 in David Suggs just named HC at Ozen!!!   
    Ozen landed a good one. He did nothing but flourish at Central. Coached Central to 2nd round of playoffs in 02. VERY good defensive team.

    03 team at that time went the farthest at that time in Central history. 3 rounds and lost to the eventual state champs that year Bay City Black Cats. Jaguar Anthony Collins was wrecking shop ay defensive end and Olympic Track star Chopper Williams also played on defense.

    I tell you one thing. From what I remember, the defense will be sound. But his offensive plays are VERY questionable.

    He left Central for 5a jobs.. didn't do too good in Aldine Ike as he was in a tough district. He also failed miserable at Galveston Ball (then 5a). Ball's talent was depleted after the hurricanes. I forgot the other 5a jobs that he took, but its good to hear that he's back in Beaumont. Let's now see if he can sell this to the already talented kids @ Ozen...
  5. Like
    Alpha Wolf reacted to TxHoops in Video link of Central dominating track meet (I know it's not football)   
    Toby turned WOS into the dominant track program in the State in 3A.  Knew it was only a matter of time until he did the same with the Jags.  Many of us, myself very much included, are very hard and critical on BISD for the decisions it has made.  I have no problem with justified criticism; but if you do that, you also need to give credit where credit is due.  Toby Foreman was simply a GREAT hire.
  6. Like
    Alpha Wolf reacted to BMTSoulja1 in Video link of Central dominating track meet (I know it's not football)   
    OF giving props to Central? ;)
  7. Like
    Alpha Wolf reacted to BLUEDOVE3 in Time To Rename Carol Thomas Stadium   
    Or keep as is since under his administration, the district was able to afford a nice facility for BISD students.
  8. Like
    Alpha Wolf reacted to pob357 in Time To Rename Carol Thomas Stadium   
    Just name it The BISD Education Support Ctr. so all can be happy. no names C/P, Hebert, French, S/P, WB,CHS Alums will be pissed if its named after a rival player.
  9. Like
    Alpha Wolf got a reaction from brewcrew in Plez Atkins hired as HC at Beaumont Ozen   
    I hope he goes 9-1 in his first year. Of course that loss would be to the Jags. Good luck coach.
  10. Like
    Alpha Wolf reacted to OldTimer in Kliff doing work   
    Stranger things have happened - throw back football might just be the answer to counter the new high speed offenses - who knows?
  11. Like
    Alpha Wolf reacted to JRidge in Plez Atkins hired as HC at Beaumont Ozen   
    I have to put some of you guys on point! I don't care if you coach pop warner, junior high or high school, you still need to be able to put players in their right positions and have an offense and defense that can stop the other team! Yes, I admit that I gave PS3 Magee the benefit of the doubt because that is how I was raised to think positive 1st, but several of you were right about him even though it was hard for me to understand his 8 & 22 record for him to be hired!
    I do know one thing about sports and that if you have experienced winning on several levels then you should have learned something along the way, unless you are an idiot! I've watched film on North Forest when Atkins was there and I was impressed with the multiple formations that he ran on offense. His defense was aggressive and he excelled in H.S., College & NFL as a player, damn does this speak for anything? Some of you can't be Haters all your life, support the new hire and if he is "Pooh Cheese" then 2 bad hires in a row means whoever does the hiring doesn't know what they're doing, bottom line. 
  12. Like
    Alpha Wolf reacted to usedtobe in Tic Price to be named new Lamar University Head Coach at 3pm press conference!   
    BD, I'm having trouble understanding this. Can you/will you please explain?
  13. Like
    Alpha Wolf reacted to Zoneblock in IT IS NOW OFFICIAL!! Magee has resigned from Ozen   
    Need to get Arthur Louis back he did a good job in his short time there
  14. Like
    Alpha Wolf reacted to dBerrySports in IT IS NOW OFFICIAL!! Magee has resigned from Ozen   
    I'm just SMH at this whole situation. Some things I want to say but won't. Anyhow, I hope Ozen gets someone who can turn the program around. The talent is definitely there for them to do what Central did from 2012 to 2013.
  15. Like
    Alpha Wolf reacted to JRidge in PS3 Magee leaving Ozen/or is he not??   
    Hey guys I am a Panther/Jaguar/Bruin, but most of all I am for what's right and if any of our schools are doing wrong or are doing injustices to our kids by developing anything less than good moral character by instead teaching a win at any and all cost mentality, I have a problem with that! The games will become a memory, the trophies will collect dust, but honesty, discipline and good character could last a life time! Our job is to give them tools to be successful in life and if all we can do is win games, go off to school for a few years and come back the same way we left, then we have failed! POINT BLANK!
  16. Like
    Alpha Wolf reacted to Bigcam2903 in PS3 Magee leaving Ozen/or is he not??   
    Finest, i Teach my son to try to leave the program in a better place than he found it. There will be no feuding, you feud when two are of equal Talent. Well, I can tell you first hand no other back @ Ozen is worthy to hold his Jock, but with all the politics & bull that go on, Rodney will just play his Role & continue to be a Team player.   Lil C & Rodney are good friends and Rodney will continue to Mentor him & also learn from him. Make no mistake Lil C is very Talented & his time will come, I just think some Nosey A_ _ Alums & hating Coaches tried to hinder Rodney's progress because he isn't one of their "chosen" ones. What God has in store for Rodney, no man can stop.  Adversity builds character & he got the Shaft this Season, so he is stronger, wiser & Hungrier. I Pray that any Parent that reads this thread & has a kid in the same situation can be encouraged. Haters only put up stumbling blocks or forks in the road. Stay the course & press on.  Leave it in God's hands & continue to Pray. In Rodney's case, he let go & let God & you can see what has unfolded as of now. ;) 
    Go Panthers!!!!!
  17. Like
    Alpha Wolf reacted to Bigcam2903 in PS3 Magee leaving Ozen/or is he not??   
    Maybe a tour guide. Through the foothills of Bull _ _ _ _ Mountain. Lol
  18. Like
    Alpha Wolf reacted to BLUEDOVE3 in PS3 Magee leaving Ozen/or is he not??   
    Hey, my kids transferred back to BISD and I have no problems that any other parent would not have. 
  19. Like
    Alpha Wolf reacted to BMTSoulja1 in PS3 Magee leaving Ozen/or is he not??   
    ...and here goes the asinine comments. This has nothing to do with BISD. It's obviously the horse and pony show that the HC is putting on. But detractors like yourself always find a way to make it about BISD...
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