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  1. I rarely post on these boards, I just sit back and read. However some of you that hide behind the computer with your subliminal racist rants just continue to show your true colors. If you not upset or outraged when something happens to someone in the black community or within the black community no other time what the hell you upset or worried about ? Comments like that is part of the problem not solution. And this has 0 to do with the heinous crime that occurred. And I bet some of you would love to go back to being able to hang again and get away with it. smh Prayers to the victim and his family.
  2. Really Dude????
  3. All I'm saying is, if they believe he broke the rules(coach) then penalize the coach, which they did.  Why penalize the players when the violation had no direct or indirect on the outcome of the games.... We are not talking about close games. And are we penalizing the coach for previous seasons behavior? Because that has nothing to do with this year being he never was on probation. I'm not getting into the first time penalty because that is also up for debate. My real issue is the games I don't think it was appropriate for the violation.  Also I would have to disagree with you that the coaches had or have no regard for the players, how can you say that without direct knowledge of the coaches? Ask the parents.....and the kids.....
  4. No its PEOPLE like you that stir the pot like they have nothing better to do and then when someone has an opinion other than yours its a problem or its PEOPLE LIKE  ME........You are part of the reason the "flappin" as you want to call it is dead.  Read some of your earlier post..... And I guess you are one of the few that are supposedly all for the kids......lol  I hope you stay OUT!
  5. He didn't do it, it was the "Board" or anyone( president/Lumberton, rest of stjfl etc.) that voted for that to happen.  They could have easily banned the coach or coaches for life and not forfeit the games from the KIDS.  Everyone says its all about the kids.  They did what they wanted. The coach is out the league. why do that to the kids?.  Do you really think they would have lost either game if the coach was not there? Make sure the hostility and hate that is there for the coach or coaches of BMT is not there for the kids, they have nothing to do with grown folks mess.  They are just playing ball........
  6. This is the way it should be since what is said on the board does not stay on the board! Nobody wants to talk because we all know that what is being done to the Beaumont KIDS is not right.  You can do what you want to the coaches but did the kids deserve to loose both those games? give me a break.  This is comical (STJFL).  I guess both Lumberton teams had to get in the playoffs.......  
  7. I have not commented on anything on this board this year. It is pathetic. This board is nothing but personal attack after attack. Stop trying to sugar coat it like it's fun and games cause its not. It's obvious who is wanted in the league and who is not. Man this is youth football not NFL who is really going to the commissioner talking bout a violation when u loose by 40? Give me a break. And the whisperer is always acting as if he is so innocent but is the main one with sly personal attacks. This is not for grown folks it's for the kids. A lot of yall should stop commenting on here. Find some other entertainment.
  8. I'm just saying after reading some post and talking to some people it was mentioned that someone on this thread thought I was Ocho. If not than disregard. Thanks for the compliment on my son. There are several kids from the league that are impressive. Hopefully we will see them playing on Friday nights. I'm gone no more post. By the way who is Ocho............:)
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