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Casual Observer

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  1. There is no doubt that WB *should* win against FB Marshall. It all goes back to 82 5A State Champs' comment about which team WB will field. The PA Memorial game was as high-energy as it was dirty, and the WB team that went into that game was not the same team that came out. You could see that in the Humble/Channelview games. The start of the team's return appears to have started after the cool front's thunderstorms passed during the Channelview game. Those who stayed (or came back) saw a different team--which goes to show how important a safety can be along with getting good refereeing (high-fives duly noted with the opposing team). Note: The fifty or so post-rain fans made more noise than a whole stadium full of fans did before the storm. That cannot be emphasized enough as *fire* in the stands translates into *fire* on the field. Something lacking at all too many of the Brook's games. In the old days, you could hear the WB fans on Dowlen Road and beyond--try that now and you only hear Soundpower (WB Band). Good teams need good fans! The team has good talent and coaching, if only the bandaids stay on and the bruises heal...
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