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Everything posted by dawg13

  1. There is a change on the horizon at HF.We will be very competative no run over games this year.
  2. Coach Decello will have a meeting at 5:00 p.m wed.
  4. OH that's good to know,I HOPE DOESN'T get taken by Sutherlands charm. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :-* ::) :o
  5. okay speechless will you let me in on that info seems like you know a little more than me.contact me .
  6. Thats what i heard out of Buc land.
  7. need info is it to late for HF to enter in the tourney
  8. Need info on getting HF summer league team entered in leagues and tourney.thank you
  9. Well stated howdy man some stuff you may read on this post is junk and some people may need to get a life.HF has been in need of a change for some time now.we got a good AD and he is making changes to build an athletic program here.as I said I've been here for awhile,finally get coaches that can coach and teach the kids some things and not coaches that we've had in the past being hired just to fill a spot,not allowed to run  the program.
  10. I guess you that r not in the know we at HF can field a very competitive team ,and with the addition of the trio would make a State run possible,And with what a coach like Decello seems to  be able to add,like the All mighty Dove says he is just what we need .I have been in this program as a parent for some hard fought years and seen coaches come and go,I see we are not going to be just a academic excellence school.
  11. seems like some outsiders live by the crab in the bucket syndrom,some people just need to be concernd with their own space and not worry about anyone elses.
  12. Dove i love these outsiders looking in,and for the ones on the inside and not trying to help the situation just be a help not a hinderence to the program,and yes dove boys or special but there has and always been talent at HF.come and join us this summer and help.
  13. Proper,preparation,prevents,poor,performance
  14. Can we just embrace the coach no matter what,Im sure he will bring the much needed change to our program at HF.
  15. What does skin color have to do with him becoming, the head coach 0f the 2012 State champions,you take that to your good source.
  16. word is that the new coach was introduced to the kids the other day,any word on his reception.
  17. Hey dove,is the interest in HF JOB on this board, is it concern for the program or FEAR that your predictions will come true. ::) ;D
  18. Stay strong Cuz,for they do not understand.But with the 5 P's(Proper,Preparation,Prevents,Poor,Performa nce)at HF we achieve the goals you predict.
  19. Dove,you or wrong for that calling me out like that.Cuz i thought we were better than that.But as you know I strongly and willingly support all HF sports.I would just like a coach that would demand that his kids in the BBALL PROGRAM play summer ball and not give them an option, all other schools had their kids their this past summer and we could only field 7 to 8 players, playing can not be an option anymore.
  20. IT really does not matter about the size of the list,As long as we can get the best fit for the program.really dont know of none of the applicants,but is is a good sign jasper coach has interest in it.must see something in a former district foe.
  21. No offense to the said coach,but at HF we are trying to move foward not backwards with an old coach leave the past in the past.
  22. Hey Dove you know we agree and disagree on alot of things,But any coach we get should be an improvement and he should judge on not talent alone,but what is the best fit for the program not just trying to keep his job,if you are coaching to win and field your best team and teaching the kids about life after HS ball your job should never be ?????????????.
  23. sn,I rather have them lifting than texting,or playing x-box,ps3,if lifting brings a better work ethic well I'm for it.
  24. Oh ye of little faith,A change is coming ,just watch the new AD work his magic.HF will compete for district and beyond,in all sports just like academics.
  25. As a coach,If you put your best team on the court and coach them and enhance the talents of your so called lesser players(less talented).Thats what a coaches job is ,he should field the best and enhance the rest to get best out of every player in the program.That is the quality, that every parent wants for every player in this program.
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