Splendora is definitely used to the playoff scenario....played the last three years...lost to WO-S two years ago, beat H-J (miracle game) last year, and beat WO-S (another miracle) this year. Do you think that a couple of bad students makes Splendora classless? If that's the case, then WO-S is just as classless. Let's see 2006 state Semifinals...a player calls his mom from the bench on his cell phone then leaves the bench in his uniform and goes and sits in the stands....Could that be considered classless? In my opinion, neither school is classless. Both have their own isolated incidents with classless people, but to identify the whole place that way....that's taking it too far... I'll be the first to say there are fans from both sides (i sat on the WO-S side last night and heard countless RACE references) that commit classless acts. However, Coach Vela and Coach McCarter are class act guys, and I don't think it's a fair representation of either program to place the Classless label on. Just my opinion....not trying to offend or start anything... Congrats to Splendora and WO-S for great seasons!!