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SETXsports Director/Manager
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Everything posted by AggiesAreWe

  1. Brook Hill at Diboll 7pm Huntington at Frankston 7pm Broaddus at Pineywoods CA 6pm Center at Central Heights 7pm Chireno at Pollok Central 7pm Spurger at Warren 6pm Anderson-Shiro at Corrigan 7pm Garrison at Crockett 7pm Rusk at Trinity 7pm
  2. Orange CC at Deweyville 6pm Palacios at Danbury 6pm Colmesneil at Burkeville 6pm Timpson at Shelbyville 7pm West Sabine at Woden 7pm Beaumont Harmony at Chester 6pm Johnson Bayou, La. at High Island 6pm Hull-Daisetta at Galveston O'Connell 6pm
  3. Martin's Mill (Brookeland) Scan157 (1).pdf
  4. Orangefield (Orangefield, Livingston, Bridge City, Jasper, WO-S, Anahuac, Evadale, Sabine Pass) Pools Pool A Orangefield, Bridge City, Jasper, Houston Milby, Evadale Pool B Livingston, LaMarque, WO-S, Anahuac, Sabine Pass Thursday Pool play 8:30am Bridge City vs. Evadale (Main) 8:30am Anahuac vs. WO-S (JH) 10am Milby vs. Orangefield (Main) 10am Livingston vs, Sabine Pass (JH) 11:30am LaMarque vs. Anahuac (Old) 11:30am Evadale vs. Jasper (JH) 1pm WO-S vs. Livingston (Old) 2:30pm Jasper vs. Milby (Main) 2:30pm Sabine Pass vs. LaMarque (Old) 4pm Orangefield vs. Bridge City (Main) Friday Pool Play 8:30am Sabine Pass vs. WO-S (Main) 10am Orangefield vs. Evadale (Main) 10am Livingston vs. Anahuac (Old) 10am Bridge City vs. Jasper (JH) 11:30am WO-S vs. LaMarque (JH) 1pm Anahuac vs. Sabine Pass (Main) 1pm Milby vs. Bridge City (Old) 2:30pm LaMarque vs. Livingston (Main) 4pm Jasper vs. Orangefield (Main) 4pm Evadale vs. Milby (Old) Saturday Match up Play 10am Pool A #3 vs. Pool B #3 (Main) 10am Pool A #5 vs. Pool B #5 (JH) 11:30am Pool A #4 vs. Pool B #4 (JH) 1pm Pool A #2 vs. Pool B #2 (Main) 2:30pm Pool A #1 vs. Pool B #1 (Main)
  5. End 3rd 68-37 Kountze Someone else will need to finish this one. I'm heading to Hardin Jefferson.
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