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  1. well i got to stick with my boys from deweyville. i think it will be between them and ec. Buna and warren go for third.
  2. whats yalls prediction ???
  3. name some of the ones to look out for
  4. How many schools will be at anhauac??
  5. name the people you think will standout. the ones that dont already standout example tremaine thomas)
  6. no ones being cocky there buddy. i admit buna had a good defense. but yall were the biggest team in our district and we were the smallest but thats no exscuse. yall played well and i cant wait to see yall play next year
  7. well when they put in there secound and third string in (the people that dont play much) are they suppose to just kneel the ball in the beginning of the third quater when its 40 something to nothing. they want to play and theyll try there best to score. and if i understand correctly they had a freshman running the ball in the secound half.
  8. im just standin up for the deweyville seems like everyone tears dville down
  9. well its the same situation for dville in football. we have the smallest school in the district. when the running back only carries it 15 times and getss 250 yards and we put in the secound string in.... are they suppose to just sit there and not play.... what goes around comes around is right... like when dville plays kountze next year... we'll see what happens
  10. well the reason why it looked like so much is because alot were starting both ways. but not many went both ways this year. but they are prolly loosin about 13 to 15 seniors. 10 that actually play alot though.
  11. brian dans might be the best quarterback to ever come along in dville. hes was awsome..... anybody remember him? ran like a 4.39 175 and about 5'9. beautiful smile. great athlete. 8)
  12. next year j williams is gonna be tough to replace next year but i think they might take district next year. the got like 7 comin back on offense and about 4 or 5 on defense. so they should be good next year if they work hard. good luck next year.
  13. dville and ec fight for first and second..... buna and kountz go for third place.
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