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Everything posted by diehardaggie

  1. Now diva, I'll take your word on the speed, strength and zone reading ability, but your ability to comprehend is clearly lacking. I didn't call peolpe geeks who talked high school football, I was comparing geek and athletes on the post graduate walks down memory lane !!!! I know this a forum for high school football discussion, but expanding the talk into other areas that pertain to hs football seems harmless. last, but not least, playing hs football doesn't mean squat is a statement of perspective. HS football campared to almost anything in life will pale by comparison. If I've offended you or anyone else, I am sorry :roll: I will be more carefull in the future.
  2. You guys missed it !! I don't care what your current job is. My point is that we get caught up in what a kid DID in high school and beat the subject the death. I'm glad this forum is here and student athletes should be recognized, but more often than not , excelling in a particular sport does not equat to excelling in life in general. Our excellance in whatever we do is because of our attitude "SPORTMANSHIP". Did you get that DIVA !!!!!!!! Enjoy, discuss and move on. Diva, you probably make a difference in your community, but its not because you are fast, strong or can read a zone defense!! I'm involved in sports and support what the athletes do, but I know that their skills will carry them only so far. Remember that this is a topic on GOOD AT SPORTS VS. GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP. By the way DIVA, I don't need to have "been around here much" to make a statement about a topic.
  3. all this talk is fun, but don't most good athletes eventually, sooner or later, move into real life situations. Does the geek spend the rest of his life talking about his high school accomplishments? Keep this all in perspective. Being a good football player doesn't mean squat!! Move on, mature and make a difference off the field.
  4. 8)truth is, wos was outcoached and needs to improve on the WHOLE coaching staffs shortcommings. Same thing happened in the loss in the playoffs last year. You can't win them all.
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